Three Little Troublemakers Turned the World Upside Down After My Divorce

Chapter 1060: Go to Yuan County for prenatal examination

"Okay, I see." Li Zhenting hung up the phone, and inexplicably felt an indescribable breath lingering in the air. This time, he finally knew Shen Ning's whereabouts. yes!


  Has Aunt Dong come back here?

  Will she take Shen Ning away again?

  Thinking of this, I was so anxious that I picked up my briefcase after eating something and walked outside.

   "Sister Ning, I didn't expect this spice bag to sell so well. If I had known, I would have picked more flowers." In the small courtyard, Zhang Xiaoxian's laughter was particularly crisp.

Ever since Shen Ning said that she would teach her how to make a spice bag last time, she has been interested in it, but she did not expect that after Shen Ning's skillful handling, the spice bag not only has a beautiful appearance and good material, but also has different effects. Some of the spice packets were sold at the Yuanxian market, and some were put on the Internet. Soon, they were all sold out.

  Zhang Xiaoxian actually made a full two thousand yuan, which made her very happy, but the raw materials were used up, and there were still many customers who were urging, but they were out of stock.

   For example, mosquito traps and seasonal flu prevention kits, there is almost no need to sell them, and the locals come and buy them all.

  Shen Ning smiled: "Now that you have learned it, you don't have to worry. Prepare well for the next year, and then sell more money."

   "But I want to continue to do business." Zhang Xiaoxian thought of the scene of her mother crying for pain last night, with a sad face.

   "How much will it cost?"

   "If you go to the hospital, it will cost at least two or three thousand."

   "How about this, I'll lend it to you first, and then return it to me when you earn money next year?" Shen Ning said after thinking about it.

  Zhang Xiaoxian has a strong self-esteem. She asked her to give her money several times, but she refused to accept it. She could only think of making some money by making spice bags, but right now the spice bags have been sold out, so there is no money to make.

   "This is not good." Zhang Xiaoxian shook her head vigorously, "You also need money, I can't use your money."

   "I said it was a loan. Now your mother needs money to treat her illness."

   "But you lent it to me, what do you do? You are about to give birth soon."

"I'm rich, so don't be afraid." Shen Ning patted her on the shoulder and smiled, "Well, I'm going to Yuanxian County tomorrow for a prenatal checkup, so you accompany me there, and then we'll go to the market to see if we can get some Some dried flowers and spices, come back to process, try it, as long as you can solve the raw materials, you can also make some money."

   "Okay, then you just need to give me advice, and I will do everything." Zhang Xiaoxian was very happy, but she was happy with any money that could be earned through labor.

   Early the next morning.

  Zhang Xiaoxian came to Shen Ning's house with a big bag on her back.

   "Sister Ning, be careful." As soon as she came over, she saw Shen Ning moving out clumsily with her big belly, and almost tripped over the threshold, her heart almost stopped beating in fright, so she hurried up to help her.

   "It's okay." Shen Ning smiled.

   "Sister Ning, your belly is so big, it feels like you're about to give birth."

  Can the twins be small?

  Shen Ning smiled wryly. The last time she had the third child, Ji Qingshan didn't let her go to the ground. She just lay on the bed all day long. At that time, she had grandma and Ji Qingshan, so she still had someone to rely on, but now...

"Sister Ning, do you want to go to the hospital early? I don't feel very well when you stay at home alone." Zhang Xiaoxian was terrified. She had parents to take care of her at home, so she couldn't come to accompany her. A pregnant woman, It's not safe to stay at home alone with such a big belly.

   "It's okay, let's go to the maternity checkup first to see the situation." Shen Ning smiled, at least one and a half months before giving birth, what are you doing in the hospital at this time, she thinks it's okay, there's nothing wrong with it.

   "Okay, let's go." Zhang Xiaoxian nodded, and helped Shen Ning to walk outside.

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