The two of them finally arrived at Yuanxian County at around noon after rolling around several docks. At this time, the doctors in the Maternal and Child Health Hospital had already left work and did not return to work until two o'clock in the afternoon.

  Hey, it is so difficult to do a prenatal checkup in this small county!

   "Sister Ning, you have a big belly, we have walked for a long time by land and water, go eat something first, and find a place to rest." Zhang Xiaoxian is considerate of Shen Ning, afraid that she will be tired.

   "Okay, let's go eat something first, then go to the market to learn about the situation, come back at 2 o'clock in the afternoon for the prenatal checkup, there is no need to rest." Shen Ning smiled.

   "But aren't you tired with a big belly?"

   "Why are you tired? At this time, pregnant women should walk more and exercise more to facilitate delivery."

   "Sister, do you want to have a normal delivery?"

"Spontaneous delivery?" Shen Ning remembered that night six years ago. She wanted to insist on a normal delivery, but the severe labor pain and the adherent placenta still made the doctor perform a caesarean section. That night was very dangerous, "The doctor must decide. "

   "Don't worry, I will be with you in the hospital on the day of your delivery. You don't have to worry about anything, I will serve you during confinement." Zhang Xiaoxian was very emotional.

   "Thank you, Xiaoxian."

   "It's okay, we are good sisters."

  The two talked and laughed and came to a decent restaurant.

   "Sister, eat, I'm not hungry." They walked in and sat down in a corner, Shen Ning began to order, Zhang Xiaoxian looked at the menu and shook her head vigorously.

   Shen Ning understood her thoughts immediately, and couldn't laugh or cry, this little girl was afraid that the food would be too expensive!

   "Then you have to eat something with me. If you don't eat, what's the point of me eating alone?" Shen Ning deliberately ordered a lot of dishes.

"Sister, you are twin, you need to eat more, you can't starve the child in your belly, I'll just go to the noodle stall opposite and eat a bowl of noodles later, I like the hot and sour noodles the most." Zhang Xiaoxian Looking at the balance on the phone, he smiled slightly.

  Shen Ning ignored her, and after a while, the waiter served all the dishes.

   "Sister, can you finish eating?" Zhang Xiaoxian stared at six or seven dishes.

   "You can't finish it, so you have to keep eating, or it will be wasted."

   "Okay." Zhang Xiaoxian was indeed hungry, looking at the tempting delicacies in front of her, some of which she would never want to eat for the rest of her life, she picked up the chopsticks under Shen Ning's repeated threats.

   Now, the two of them had a great time eating, and after a while, they ate up all the dishes.

   "I'll pay the bill." After the meal, Zhang Xiaoxian rushed to pay the bill, and Shen Ning gave her a smile, "Okay, I've already swiped my phone."

"How much?"

   "Don't ask, I have money."

  Zhang Xiaoxian thought it must be two or three hundred, but Shen Ning spent more than eight hundred. I guess she would want to spit out the food if she knew.

   After a while, Shen Ning stood up, Zhang Xiaoxian supported her, and the two walked outside.

  As soon as they walked out and turned to the small alley on the left, a tall and strong man walked in.

   Li Zhenting has been wandering around all morning, contacted several local tour guides, and went to the police station to check the records. He is going to conduct a carpet search, and this time he vows to find Shen Ning.

  He walked to a corner and sat down. This restaurant was in good business, and the leftover dishes on the dining table had not been taken away when he sat down.

  He put down his briefcase, and saw that the seven plates in front of him were all eaten cleanly. It really is a small county, and there is no waste. This habit is better.

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