"Look, is this spice bag beautiful?" While Li Zhenting was sitting and waiting for the food to be served, suddenly a woman at the next table spoke softly.

  He raised his eyes slightly, and saw a pregnant woman sitting on the table next to her, with a spice bag wrapped around her fingers, asking her husband with a smile on her face.

   "It's okay." The young man just glanced lightly and replied casually.

   "I can tell you, this spice bag is not only good-looking, but also has anti-virus effects. This time, I was the only one in the family who didn't get caught. It's thanks to it." The pregnant woman gently stroked the spice bag, cherishing it very much.

   Li Zhenting glanced at the spice bag in her hand again, and the letter 'G' engraved on it caught his attention.

   Suddenly, his heart beat violently.

   Isn’t this G the first English capital letter of Gucci? Gucci’s current LOGO all start with the word G.

   "Excuse me, lady, where did you buy this spice bag?" He couldn't help asking.

  The pregnant woman was taken aback, she didn't expect that her husband didn't care much, but the man next to her cared instead, she looked at him, oh my god, there is such a noble and handsome man in Yuan County, she has never seen it in her whole life.

   "I bought it at the market behind." She quickly replied.

   "Can you tell me exactly which booth it is at?" Li Zhenting stared at the letter G on the spice package, and then asked, unable to restrain his excitement.

   "It's the last few stalls, I don't remember which one it is."

   "When did you buy it?"

   "About a week ago."

   "Does that stall still sell it? I also want to buy one for my wife, who is also pregnant."

"Oh, it seems to be out of stock. It was sold for a few days. I happened to see it that time. However, this spice bag is indeed useful. There are many fewer mosquitoes when worn on the body." Pregnant women like this spice bag Very much, praise endlessly.

   "Oh." When Li Zhenting heard that it was out of stock, his deep eyes were full of disappointment, and the hope that had just been ignited was lost again.

Based on my feeling, this is probably the spice bag made by Shen Ning. Is she going to make a living by selling spice bags? Then what kind of life is she living now? The doctor once said that she was malnourished, and the food in her stomach Child... He didn't dare to think about it, and there was a sharp pain in his heart.

   "If you really want to buy, you can go to that market every afternoon to have a look, maybe she will come when she has the goods." At this time, the pregnant woman couldn't bear to see his disappointed expression, and hurriedly reminded him.

   "Thank you, can you do me a favor? That is, if you meet her selling spice packets at the market next time, please take a photo of the specific stall and the seller himself, okay?"

   "It is possible, but I don't know when I will meet her."

   "It's okay, as long as you have a chance to see her, you can take a photo for me, thank you."

   "Okay." Seeing that he was sincere, the pregnant woman readily agreed.

   "Then let me add your WeChat." Li Zhenting immediately took out his mobile phone. This was the first time in his life that he took the initiative to ask a woman for her mobile phone to add WeChat.

  After adding WeChat, the waiter came over to serve the food, and he immediately said to the waiter, "Waiter, I will pay for the food at the table next to me."

   "Okay." The waiter immediately agreed after being stunned for a while.

  The pregnant woman and her husband were startled. They just asked a few words, and they could get a meal for free. It's not too cost-effective.

   They happily finished eating and left.

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