Li Zhenting ate with a heavy heart, thinking that Shen Ning was pregnant but malnourished, her heart ached, and what she ate tasted like wax, and she threw away the bowl and chopsticks after a while and left.

Because the pregnant woman said that the general spice packs were only sold in the afternoon, he went directly to the hotel to rest, and vowed to find her as soon as possible. Slap him in the face of the richest man? He doesn't allow this kind of thing to happen, absolutely!

However, Shen Ning and Zhang Xiaoxian didn't see many spices for sale after walking around the market, so Shen Ning had to search online and found the original spice market in the imperial capital. Come on, as for the price, it doesn't matter, the main purpose is to let Zhang Xiaoxian earn money through her labor.

   "Sister, it's almost two o'clock, let's go to the Maternal and Child Health Hospital, or we will be in trouble if we miss the physical examination." Zhang Xiaoxian looked at her watch and urged Shen Ning.

   "Okay." Shen Ning also wanted to finish the inspection early so that he could go home. After all, he would have to take round trips three times to get back to Yuhe Village, and it would probably be dark when he got home.

  The two walked towards the right exit of the market.

   Li Zhenting lay on the bed for a while, seeing the shadow of Shen Ning's hard life with a big belly in front of him, he sat up immediately, feeling extremely depressed.

   After a while, he got up and washed up a little, then walked towards the market.

  The market is not far from the hotel.

  He came in from the left entrance.

   There are many stalls here, and there is no rest at noon.

  He walked along a row of stalls, looking one after another, but didn't see anyone selling dried flower spice packs. Following the hint of the pregnant woman, he probably stopped by the stall selling spice packs and asked left and right.

   On the right side of the market, Shen Ning and Zhang Xiaoxian have already walked out towards the Maternal and Child Health Hospital.

  In the hospital.

   "Sister, so you are pregnant with twins." Zhang Xiaoxian looked at the B-ultrasound sheet with surprise on her face.

   "Yes." Shen Ning smiled.

"No wonder you have such a big belly. It turns out that you have twins. Great, now you have a son and a daughter." She smiled, "In this case, you have to be careful recently, and you can't go anywhere in the future. Just get some rest."

"Well, don't worry, I understand." Shen Ning gave the doctor the B-ultrasound sheet, and the doctor said to her: "At present, the condition is not bad, but the blood sugar is a little high and a little anemic. You should pay attention to your diet. How about it? I'll prescribe some calcium tablets and vitamins for you, and you should drink more lean pork liver soup and pork bone soup."

   "Okay, thank you doctor." Shen Ning thanked with a smile, the children are okay, this is her happiest.

  At this moment, the doctor finished the order, Zhang Xiaoxian asked Shen Ning to sit on a chair outside to rest, and she went to pay for the medicine.

"Sister, let's go home, it's already 4:30." Not long after, Zhang Xiaoxian came over with the medicine and smiled, "You have a son and a daughter in your belly, and you will have to call me godmother from now on. Two children came out."

   "Come on, it's almost enough to call you an aunt, and a godmother, old-fashioned and vulgar." Shen Ning smiled and hit her.

  The two happily walked outside the hospital.

"No, it's rare to come to Yuan County once. You are anemic and deficient in nutrition. I have to buy some delicious food at the vegetable market. How about it? That's enough." When passing a vegetable market, Zhang Xiaoxian insisted on going in to buy bones, pork liver and lean meat.

  Shen Ning had no choice but to follow her, standing by the road and waiting.

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