He looked down at his phone, and it turned out that it was the calls from the tour guides he had invited.

  They told him that they had searched all the land-connected suburbs and villages around Yuan County, but no one was found.

   Now they are planning to go to several neighboring towns to find them.

  They let him have time to look at the pier, because there are dozens of villages near the waterway pier, and many people come and go every day, which is very important.

   Li Zhenting agreed and hung up the phone.

  He looked down at the pier at his feet. On the river, a large wheel was pacing passengers. As the sun set, a round of red sunset fell on the boat, reflecting the ripples on the water surface, showing the beauty and magnificence of nature.


  His eyes were attracted by a figure on the boat.

  It was a pregnant woman, wearing a beige maternity dress, standing on the edge of the boat with a big belly, looking at the river in a daze, and beside her stood a young girl, holding her arm.

   His breathing stopped suddenly.

   "Ning Ning." Almost in an instant, he yelled and ran frantically down the pier.

   "Comrade, please buy a ticket first." But just as he ran under the pier, someone stopped him.

   "Wait, I'm going to walk the boat." He was in a hurry, shouted loudly, turned around and ran to the conductor, threw a hundred yuan to the conductor, and then ran down.

   "Don't run away, the boat has already started." But when he went down to the pier again, the security guard next to him stopped him, "Wait for the next trip."

When he raised his eyes, he saw that the ship was already some distance away from the shore, and it was heading towards the opposite side of the river. The pregnant woman was still standing on the side of the ship, but the ship was gradually turning around, and soon, she would be out of sight. shadow.

   It's her, it must be her!

   "Ningning, Ningning." He shouted towards the direction of the ship.

  But the river water kept puffing and spitting, and the wind kept sounding, his shout was drowned in the sound of Feng Shui.

   "How long will it take for the next shift?" he asked eagerly.

   "Half an hour."

   Half an hour?

   Half an hour later, can we still find people on the other side of the river?

  He stomped his feet anxiously, and asked directly: "If I give the money, can a boat take me across the river right away?"

   "No." The security guard shook his head, "It's not a question of money, but that there is no dock on the other side of the river to stop the boat. Moreover, this boat can't be opened casually. The shipping company has regulations."

   Li Zhenting's eyes were dark, and he finally found the trace again, but now he can only watch helplessly as she is about to disappear again.

  He was not reconciled, but he had no choice but to take out his mobile phone and turn on the magnifying glass to look at the boat.

   At this time, the boat has completely turned around, and the people on board can no longer be seen.

  The surface of the river is a vast expanse of whiteness. Compared with the small lake in Qingshan City, this place is simply a giant. You can only see that after the boat reaches the other side, even the remaining passengers on and off are as big as ants.

  He was so worried that he had to wait for the next shift.

  After half an hour, he was the first to rush to the wheel, but it was already half an hour before this wheel started, and when he went ashore, it was already an hour after the last wheel landed.

  However, what made him even more dizzy was that after landing on the shore, there were several forked roads, and each forked road was either a village or a river.

  There were quite a few motorcycles waiting to pick up passengers, and he didn't know which way to go.

  But he didn't hesitate, and immediately got on a motorcycle, paid a lot of money, and asked him to take him to search for each road separately.

  The motorcycle driver was very honest. After hearing him say that he was looking for someone, he told him directly that it was too late today. If he didn’t know which direction to go, he would not even have the wheel to go back.

   Li Zhenting asked him if he saw a pregnant woman coming ashore just now, the driver shook his head, indicating that he didn't pay attention, and finally suggested that he come to look for it early tomorrow, and he will wait for him here!

   Li Zhenting's eyes were darkened, and he chased for a long time for a lonely time, but found nothing!

   But facing the increasingly dark sky, he could only follow the driver's advice and go back to the hotel first.

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