the next day.

  At five o'clock in the morning, Li Zhenting got up and ran to the pier, and was the first to get on the wheel and walk to the other side of the river.


   This road of finding people is easier said than done.

  The driver took him around the nearby villages and found nothing.

Then, the driver told him that there are villagers from more than 40 neighboring villages who took this wheel walking to Yuan County, and there are more than 40 wheel walkings one after another. The longest one takes six wheel walkings to reach the village. .

  If you don’t know where a person lives, it will take a lot of effort to search for it in such a vague way, and you may not be able to find it.

  Li Zhenting's eyes were bloodshot, but he was not discouraged. As long as he thought of Shen Ning living a difficult life with a big belly, his heart would hurt, so he must make up his mind to find her and fulfill his responsibility as a husband.

   With a big wave of his hand, he decided to pay a lot of money to ask people to search from village to river.

  Such a move alarmed many nearby villagers.

   After all, everyone is willing to help if there is money to be made. In just three days, many nearby villagers have joined the ranks of searching.

And everyone is even more curious about Li Zhenting's origins. People before and after call him a rich man, a wealthy businessman, because Li Zhenting is not only handsome but also has a lot of money. Everyone is also curious about what kind of woman is worth his effort to find. !

   Even so, after three days, there is still no news.

  And Li Zhenting himself visited six villages in three days, searching every village, but he couldn't find any whereabouts of Shen Ning, which made him extremely frustrated and disappointed.

   But he was not discouraged, and finally chose to sit on the pier and wait.

  After just ten days, he lost a lot of weight because he was traveling between the docks of various villages every day, his diet was irregular, his tea and meals were not in time, and his thoughts were heavy.

  In the courtyard, Shen Ning was lying on the bed, closing his eyes and resting his mind. Zhang Xiaoxian came in carrying a big bag of things.

"Sister, let me tell you some news. I heard that a rich man is looking for his pregnant wife. The villagers in the first group, second group, third group, and fourth group are all helping to find her. It was in full swing. They said that the rich man was handsome and rich. His wife came to our place for some reason. Everyone was helping to find him. The man was very anxious and asked everyone if he had seen it. Seeing his wife, hehe, how dedicated.” She put down her things and wiped the sweat from her forehead, “Sister, this is the spice we bought online, it’s here.”

  Shen Ning opened his eyes, and sat up sideways: "Xiaoxian, I'm afraid we won't be able to take spice packets to sell in the market for the time being."


   "..." Shen Ning pondered: "How about this, you can get it online and sell it, and then sell it in the market after a while, because, because I have a big belly, I can't help you."

   "Hi, I don't need your help, as long as you point it out, you are so big that you are struggling to bend over, of course I never thought of asking you for help." Zhang Xiaoxian was relieved and laughed.

   This is not a problem at all, she can handle it by herself.

   But Shen Ning was silent.

  Zhang Xiaoxian didn't pay attention to the complicated look on her face, but asked with concern: "Have you eaten yet? I made porridge, go and get it for you."

  She turned around and was about to leave.

   "Xiaoxian, I might have to leave here." Shen Ning held her and said slowly.

   "Why?" Zhang Xiaoxian's eyes widened instantly, "Didn't you buy this place? And you said you would live here forever."

   "Yes, but because something happened at home, I have to go back. I don't know when I will come back this time." Shen Ning lowered his thick eyes, hiding all his thoughts in his eyes.

   "Does Aunt Dong know?"

   "I don't know." Shen Ning shook his head, suddenly feeling a headache.

  Zhang Xiaoxian stood in despair, and when she raised her eyes, she saw the painful expression on Shen Ning's face.

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