"Don't, don't hurt my child."

  Shen Ning was sweating profusely, clasping his stomach tightly with both hands, crying out in horror.

  For a while, she seemed to be pushed into the bottom of a cliff, with pain all over her body, and for a while, she seemed to have fallen into the vast sea, surrounded by sea water around her, unable to breathe, suffocating.

at last

  When she woke up, there was darkness around her, it was already midnight, and she had a nightmare!

  In the darkness, she was shrunk all over, her eyes were completely dark, she couldn't see any starlight, and the surrounding was deathly silence.

  Ge Di

   There was a strange noise in the darkness, which frightened her to the bone.

   "What?" she called out across the living room.

   After yelling several times, I heard the sound of 'Zhi Zhi', and something was running back and forth in the living room.

   It should be a mouse.

  She breathed a sigh of relief, holding her stomach with her hands, her abdomen felt swollen and swollen, her whole body was weak, her stomach was empty, and she felt extremely uncomfortable.

   What made her feel even more uncomfortable was the endless darkness and loneliness.

  It's scary for a pregnant woman to live in such a big house in the countryside.

  She shrank herself into the quilt, not even daring to get up to go to the toilet. Fortunately, the weather was not so hot and she could adapt.

Thinking of her miserable life, she suddenly thought of those three little fellows far away in the imperial capital, her own children. I haven't seen them for a long time, and I haven't even heard their voices. I miss them so much up.

  They should be okay, except for missing her as a mommy.

  Time is the cure for everything!

  The children are still young, so they still miss her for a year and a half. When they grow up, they will gradually forget her as a mommy.

  She was heartbroken, tears rolled up her face unconsciously, and she hid in the quilt and cried secretly. After a while, the baby in her stomach seemed to feel the sadness and anxiety of Mummy, and moved inside.

  Shen Ning didn't dare to cry anymore, he gritted his teeth and stroked his stomach to comfort them.

   Later, at some point, I finally fell asleep. When I woke up the next day, my face was still full of tears and my eyes were swollen.

   "Sister, sister, open the door." Zhang Xiaoxian's voice sounded outside.

   "Okay, wait." Shen Ning struggled to get out of bed and opened the door.

  Zhang Xiaoxian stood outside with steaming gruel, capers, and big buns, smiling all over her face.

   "Sister, hurry up and have breakfast, I just made it." She walked in with the breakfast and put it on the dining table.

  Shen Ning smiled gratefully: "I'm just hungry, thank you, Xiaoxian."

"Hey, what's there to thank for something worthless? I didn't even say thank you for helping me." Zhang Xiaoxian helped her clean up the house and said, "There must be a big mouse in this house. Look at the fan and the charger. Everywhere."

   After a while, she screamed again: "Damn mouse, bitten through the spice bag, looks like I'll have to send you a cat."

  Shen Ning smiled: "There were indeed rats making noise last night, and I was so scared that I covered my head under the quilt."

  She took the comb to comb her hair.

   "Sister, I'll help you, you just take the mirror." Seeing that she couldn't even bend her hands, Zhang Xiaoxian immediately came over to help her, and handed her a small mirror.

   Shen Ning took a look in the small mirror, and was startled. His eyes were swollen, and his yellow face was covered with tears.

   "Ah, sister, your face is swollen, what's going on." Zhang Xiaoxian raised her head and saw Shen Ning's face carefully, and cried out in shock.

   "It's okay, maybe it's a reaction in the late pregnancy." Shen Ning put away the mirror, calmly.

   "No, I have to take you to the hospital. This is not acceptable. I'm worried about something." Zhang Xiaoxian will take her to the hospital after combing her hair a few times.

   Shen Ning helped her hand away: "I just finished the physical examination, it's fine, don't worry."

"Hey, you must be worrying because of something on your mind. Let me tell you, you must think about it. There is no barrier in the world that you can't pass." Zhang Xiaoxian is a sensible person and understands Shen Ning's thoughts, "Let's have breakfast first, don't worry. Hungry."

   "Well, I know." Shen Ning walked to the dining table and started to eat breakfast.

  Zhang Xiaoxian sat aside and said some funny things to explain her.

   Gradually, Shen Ning's mood improved.

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