At the pier in Yuan County, Li Zhenting came early, and the first boat was coming soon. He carefully watched the people on the pier, not wanting to let anyone go.

  Shen Ning must be in Yuan County!

  He firmly believes that he read it correctly last time!

   Now that she has a big belly, it is impossible not to come to the hospital for an obstetric examination. As long as she comes to the hospital, she has to go through the pier. Therefore, it is definitely useful to guard the exit of this small pier.

   However, after a long time, even he himself felt a little unreal!

  The weather today is not very good. Not long after I stood there, I saw dark clouds billowing in the sky, thunder and lightning, and soon there was a heavy rainstorm.

  The remaining passengers held up their umbrellas after disembarking.

  Li Zhenting couldn't see his face clearly, and hurriedly ran down, searching eagerly among the crowd, for fear of missing any possible opportunity.


   Everyone finished walking, and he didn't find the person he was looking for, standing on the pier, soaked, with rain dripping from his head.

"Young man, you're all wet, go back and change into dry clothes, you'll catch a cold, it's not good for the cold to enter your body." An older man next to him already knew Li Zhenting. Seeing Li Zhenting like this, he put his Yu Yu put it on his head, persuading him.

   "It's okay, I have a good physique." Li Zhenting didn't want to give up at all, the more likely he would miss it at this time.

"Hey, young man, there is no way for you to continue looking for her like this. Can you find another way? Besides, if you are looking for her like this, if she really lives in Yuan County, she should have known that you were looking for her. But she hides and refuses to come out, even if you stay here, there is nothing you can do."

   Li Zhenting had a wry smile on his lips, of course he understood the truth.

When they were in Qingshan City, they rescued the children face to face. She knew it was him, but refused to recognize him, and escaped under his nose. Now that he is looking for her, whether she knows it or not, she is sure He won't show up on his own initiative, she hates him!

  The only way is for him to find it himself!

   Who asked him to blame her!

   "Thank you, I see, the umbrella is no longer needed, you go, I just stay over there." He rejected the old man's kindness, went to the side of the shed and sat down, regardless of the rain on his body.

  The old man shook his head and left.

This young man is really infatuated. I don’t know how his wife left him so cruelly. You must know that there are not many good men who are so infatuated and dedicated these days. Besides, he is very rich and his family is also very good. Women are so blessed to be loved by him.


  The most difficult thing to explain in the world is love.

One morning passed, and Li Zhenting felt dizzy in his head. It was hard to wait until lunch time. At this time, because the shipping personnel also had to eat, there would be an hour's rest in the middle. He wanted to take this opportunity to go back to the hotel to change clothes, eat Come back after ordering something.

Unexpectedly, after returning to the hotel, he took a shower and became more dizzy and dizzy. He couldn't even move his feet, so he had to lie down and rest. After lying down, he fell asleep. When he woke up again, It was already the middle of the night, my throat felt like a fire was burning, and my cheeks were hot.

  He was sick, with a high fever, hot and cold for a while, and couldn't even open his eyes, so he had to continue to lie down.

   I don't know how long it took, and suddenly saw myself falling down a cliff, with the whistling wind in my ears, and dense white bones and sharp stones in sight.

   "Ah." With his eyes darkened, he screamed and fell down.

   "Wake up, wake up." A girl's gentle voice kept calling in his ears, and he opened his eyes suddenly, but there was darkness in front of him.

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