"Where did you come from, how can you break through the walls of other people's houses at will? Do you want to steal or rob?" Zhang Xiaoxian looked at Li Zhenting and continued to ask angrily.

  Although the man in front of me is a bit haggard, his delicate facial features are as sharp as a knife, his handsome eyes are shining brightly, and his whole body is full of nobility that cannot be concealed. He really doesn't look like a robber or a thief!

   "Little sister, I'm not a thief, I just came looking for someone." Li Zhenting hurriedly explained.

   "Looking for someone?" Zhang Xiaoxian looked at him angrily, "Is there someone like you who can climb over the wall when looking for someone? Get lost, the daughter-in-law of Dong's family lives here, and she is about to have a baby. She is not the person you are looking for."

   Li Zhenting's heart moved, and he quickly asked: "Is the daughter-in-law of the Dong family called Shen Ning?"

  Zhang Xiaoxian was shocked, and looked up at him: "How do you know? Who are you?"

   Li Zhenting felt ecstasy in his heart, sure enough Shen Ning was here!

   "My name is Li Zhenting, please go and inform me that I'm looking for her, and she knows who I am." He clasped his fists at Zhang Xiaoxian, asking her for help, very sincerely.

"Since you know each other, why don't you talk to her well, don't call her mobile phone, but go over the wall here, I think you have some other plans." Zhang Xiaoxian said coldly, pointing at him: "You, Get back immediately, stand far away, and wait for me to go in and ask my sister before I tell you, if you dare to climb over the wall again, I will call the militiamen of the village brigade to break your dog legs."

"Okay, I'll stand back, I'll stand back." Faced with Zhang Xiaoxian's unfriendliness, the mighty Li Zhenting had to step back obediently, with a smile on his face: "Please go in and tell Shen Ning that I have something to say." tell him."

   "Hmph." Zhang Xiaoxian glared at him, opened the fence door, turned around and closed it tightly vigilantly, and pushed it deliberately, and found that it was locked tightly, so she walked in with confidence.

  Li Zhenting was far away, and stretched his neck to look inside.

  In the room, Shen Ning sat on a chair with his back to the window, blankly.

   "Sister, eat pickles quickly, I pickled them the day before yesterday, they are so crispy." Zhang Xiaoxian walked in with a smile.

  But even after talking several times, Shen Ning didn't get an answer, so he lowered his head to look at her strangely.

   "Sister, what's wrong with you? Are you uncomfortable?" Seeing Shen Ning's pale face and dull expression, she hurriedly asked in surprise.

  Shen Ning looked up at her slowly, and smiled: "Thank you, Xiaoxian."

"It's just a few cucumbers, what's there to thank, sister, if you keep being so polite to me, I'll be really angry." Zhang Xiaoxian picked up a tender cucumber with chopsticks and brought it to her lips, "Taste it quickly , it must be to your liking."

  Shen Ning smelled the fresh breath, opened his mouth and took a bite, it was really crunchy and sweet, very delicious.

   "Sister, there is a young man outside who said he wanted to look for you, and he even called out your name, and said he wanted to tell you something." Seeing that Shen Ning ate several, Zhang Xiaoxian said beside her.

   With a "wow", the cucumber in Shen Ning's hand fell down. Suddenly, a cold light flashed in her eyes, and she said loudly: "No, I don't know that man, let someone drive him away."

   After finishing speaking, he took Zhang Xiaoxian's hand and begged: "Please, please drive him away, I never knew him."

   "Okay, don't worry, you really are a big liar, just now you want to climb over the wall to get in, fortunately I found out, don't worry, I will scold him away."

"Thank you."

  Zhang Xiaoxian looked out through the window.

  I saw that man was still standing outside the yard, stretching his neck and looking in, with an anxious expression on his face.

   "Hmph, you are a liar." Zhang Xiaoxian became angry and rushed out.

"Hey, get out of here immediately, I just asked my sister, she doesn't know you at all." She rushed out and shouted at Li Zhenting, "You know the time and just leave now, otherwise, I'll call someone to chase you away gone."

   "No, she knew me because she didn't want to admit it." Li Zhenting was eager to argue.

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