Three Little Troublemakers Turned the World Upside Down After My Divorce

Chapter 1075: Are you Sister Ning's ex-husband?

   "Nonsense, how could my sister, a pregnant woman, know you? You have identified the wrong person, so go away." Zhang Xiaoxian waved at him, "If you don't leave, I'm really annoying."

"I won't leave." Unexpectedly, Li Zhenting's attitude was tough, and he shouted loudly inside: "Ningning, it's me, I'm here, Ningning, please, come out and meet me, I have something to say to you Say, I've been looking for you all this time."

   "Hmph, what a rascal you are, you are still yelling here. It seems that if I don't call someone to chase you away, you won't leave." Zhang Xiaoxian fainted, rolled her sleeves, and put her hands on her waist.

   "Even if you call someone to come, I will not leave, even if I am killed, I will bring back my wife and children." Li Zhenting was full of awe, his eyes determined.

  Wife and child?

  Zhang Xiaoxian was stunned!

  This man is Shen Ning's wimpy ex-husband?

  She stared at him with rounded eyes!

  No, sister Ning's wimpy husband is short and fat, with a fierce face, but this young man is handsome and majestic, completely different.

  The reason why she didn't think of Shen Ning's ex-husband when she saw Li Zhenting's behavior was because, in her subconscious, the image of Shen Ning's ex-husband was really terrible!

  She couldn't compare him with that wimpy man at all. If Shen Ning's ex-husband was really this man, it wouldn't be a loss.

   "Cough, cough." She cleared her voice and looked at him, "What did you just say, you are Sister Ning's ex-husband? Sister Ning is pregnant with your child?"


"Nonsense, how can you prove that you are Sister Ning's ex-husband? Sister Ning said she didn't recognize you at all." Zhang Xiaoxian suddenly roared and picked up her mobile phone: "Is it the village office? The tenth group Dong's family is here." There is a rogue who refuses to leave, please send someone over immediately to arrest him."

   "Ning Ning, Ning Ning." Li Zhenting rushed to the gate without hesitation and shouted inside, "Ning Ning, I'm sorry, please come out, please?"

  But no matter how loud he shouted, there was no movement inside.

"Ningning, I love you, I am the father of the child in your belly, please come out, I just want to take care of you." Li Zhenting's throat was hoarse, and finally he had to say: "Ningning, if you don't come out again, I will Just climb in."

   After finishing speaking, he went over the wall without hesitation.

  He can't wait any longer, I'm really worried that Shen Ning will sneak away like last time.

   And her belly is so big, if something happens, he will never forgive himself for the rest of his life.

  He just wants to make up for her, take care of her, and fulfill his responsibilities as a husband.

  But when he climbed up, suddenly, two motorcycles drove over quickly, and three militiamen came down from above.

   "Captain Wang, hurry up, this man is going to trespass on the house, quickly pull him down." Zhang Xiaoxian immediately shouted to Captain Wang as if seeing a straw.

  Captain Wang walked to the corner and shouted at Li Zhenting: "Hey, come down."

   Li Zhenting turned his head and saw that three militiamen had come, so he had no choice but to come down.

   "What are you doing here?" Captain Wang stared at Li Zhenting and asked sharply.

   "I'm here to find my wife, Shen Ning." If he was in the imperial capital, he wouldn't notice this little militiaman, but right now he has no choice but to find Shen Ning, and he doesn't want to make trouble.

   "Your wife?" Captain Wang narrowed his eyes, "You said the pregnant woman living inside was your wife, but she said she didn't know you, so do you have any evidence? Do you have a marriage certificate?"

  Marriage certificate?

   Li Zhenting was dumbfounded!

  He and Shen Ning have already divorced. If Shen Ning does not admit that she is his wife, he really has no evidence. If it is said that Shen Ning is pregnant with his child, then there is no evidence to prove it.

  What should I do?

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