"Sister, haven't you eaten yet? I made some food, eat it while it's hot." Zhang Xiaoxian brought the food in and put it on the small table by the back door.

   "Thank you." Shen Ning sat down and ate with a heavy heart.

  Zhang Xiaoxian sat across from her and looked at her red eyes, and asked, "Sister, that man, has your ex-husband left?"

   "I don't know." Shen Ning said expressionlessly.

  Zhang Xiaoxian stood up and walked forward.

   Walking back after a while, his face was full of surprise: "Sister, he fell to the ground."

   Shen Ning didn't have any expression on his face.

   "Sister, I thought your ex-husband was a wimpy man, but I didn't expect him to be quite handsome and looks very rich. Are you really going to forgive him?"

  Zhang Xiaoxian is very strange. This man looks like a high-spirited man with a high level of education. What kind of excessive behavior can such a man do to his wife? Is this world so cruel?

   "It's impossible for me and him." Shen Ning was very decisive in just a few words.

"But he looks so infatuated. He has been standing outside for a day without eating, and now he is on the ground. Nothing will happen." Although Zhang Xiaoxian has never been married, she has also been in love once. If a man didn't really want to chase a woman, he wouldn't be so stalking.

  Besides, she was always worried that this man would come to harass Shen Ning, but although he was pestering, he was very civilized and did not mess around, which made her look at Li Zhenting's image a little better.

   "That's his own business, I didn't invite him."

   "That's true, but what if he..." Zhang Xiaoxian still felt something was wrong.

"Xiaoxian, you don't have to worry about my affairs. I know it well. I will cook and eat by myself tomorrow. You don't have to bring it over, so as not to be entangled by him finding out that there is a door behind to come in." Shen Ning pawed a few times After the meal, wash the rice bowl.

   "Sister Ning, are you afraid of being alone at night? Do you want me to accompany you?" Zhang Xiaoxian was very worried about her. After all, it is already unsafe for a pregnant woman to stay at home, and now there is a man who is watching her outside.

   "It's okay, don't worry, he is not a hooligan, he dare not do illegal and criminal things."

   "Okay, then I can rest assured." Zhang Xiaoxian sighed, agreed and left.

  But I am very curious about the relationship between Shen Ning and Li Zhenting in my heart, I don't know what kind of deep hatred they have to torture each other like this!

  After Zhang Xiaoxian left, Shen Ning sat in the dark for a while, and then slowly walked to the window.

  Through the window, she glanced coldly outside.

  In the yard, in the dark night, it seemed that someone really fell down and sat on the ground, motionless.

  But she just glanced coldly, then turned around and walked into a cabinet, took out her mobile phone, and sat under the lamp. I didn't dare to take out my phone before, because I was afraid that Li Zhenting would find her through the navigation. Now that I have found her, she can take a good look.

  In WeChat, a series of people are looking for her, asking where she went!

  There are Li Zhijun, Li Jiaojiao, Uncle Ma Li, Gu Qi staff, and Li Mengqing, Zhu Qixiong...

  Only when she saw Zhu Qixiong, she thought of the big boy who looked unruly on the outside, but was innocent, frank and lacking in love, and felt a pang in her heart!

  As a woman, she certainly knows that Zhu Qixiong has a crush on her, but what qualifications does she have to accept his love.

  If he had known him earlier, maybe they would be very happy now!

  How can there be an if in life!

   A little below is Ji Qingshan.

  He sent her a message asking how she is doing now?

  She told him her current situation, and Ji Qingshan said that he would come over as soon as possible within ten days, and told her to pay attention to safety.

  She thanked her, smiled slightly, and slid her fingertips down again.

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