
  A long-unused avatar sent her a series of WeChat messages. When I opened it, it turned out that it was from the Niu lawyer.

  Lawyer Niu, that male lawyer who is a bit nervous and unreliable in her eyes!

  He still remembered her!

   After being stunned for a while, she clicked on the WeChat page.

   I saw that the different dates above read:

  Miss Shen, are you okay?

  Miss Shen, where are you now?

  Miss Shen, can I have a chat with you?

  Miss Shen, do you still need me to help you with the lawsuit? I promise to help you defeat Li Zhenting and get your children back. If you need it, you can contact me at any time, and I will definitely do my best to help.


  Shen Ning sat blankly, who the **** is this Niu lawyer?

  Judging from his tone, it seems that he is very sure about the lawsuit.

Now Li Zhenting has come to catch up with him. Obviously, he came here to **** the child in her belly. It would be best if he could retreat in spite of the difficulties. If not, she would definitely go to court with him. , There are only a handful of people who dare to pick it up.

  He is indeed a candidate!

  Although she has never met him, she cannot deny his talent. If he has no talent or virtue, how can he survive in the imperial capital's legal profession!

  After thinking about it, although she didn't call him back, she still took this matter to heart.

   The yard.

  The night was getting darker, and Li Zhenting got up weakly and sat in the gazebo in the yard.

  He hasn't eaten for a whole day, he doesn't feel hungry, but he has no strength and feels very uncomfortable.

  He glanced at the house, and there was a faint light inside, which meant that Shen Ning was already resting. I wonder if she had eaten yet? But don't starve their children!

  He was worried and uncomfortable.

   But the woman she loves is right in front of her eyes, even if she doesn't accept him now, as long as he can stay outside and persevere, she believes that he will be moved by her sincerity.

  At this moment, he was so downcast, but he was considered happy, and a warm feeling surged in his heart.

   "Ning Ning, have you eaten yet? Do you want to eat something? I'll buy it for you." He walked to the window and asked in a low voice.

  Suddenly, the eyes went dark, and the desk lamp inside went out, and it was pitch black.

   This is a silent protest against him!

  He smiled bitterly, leaning against the wall:

"Ning Ning, I know you won't forgive me, it's okay, I can wait, I will show you my sincerity and true feelings, let you understand that I really love you, you can rest well, I Just watch you and our children outside, if there is anything you need to tell me, let me do it, don't bother you, just watch my performance."

   After he finished speaking, he returned to the pavilion and stopped talking.

   After all, what a man does is more important than what he says.

  Of course, he is already very satisfied that he can stay in the yard and guard her.

   It's just that this gazebo is not easy to stay in.

  At night, there are constant mosquitoes, and there is only one small stool to lie down on.

  But he is not afraid. When he couldn't find Shen Ning before, he would have trouble sleeping in the hotel. Now that he has found her, he is by her side. What is there to be afraid of?

   Early the next morning.

   "Mr. Li, Mr. Li." Li Zhenting was awakened by a burst of shouts, got up and saw that Wang Dui was standing outside with a smile on his face, and seemed to have carried a lot of things.

   "Oh, come in quickly." Li Zhenting immediately stepped forward and opened the wooden fence door.

  Last night, he transferred money to Team Wang and asked him to help him buy a lot of fruits and nutritional products.

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