"Mr. Li, I bought these from people in the nearby villages. They are all the freshest and original. They are grown in the villagers' own homes without pesticides." Dui Wang put the large and small bags in his hand on the gazebo.

   "Thank you." Li Zhenting sent him another red envelope.

  He was so happy from ear to ear.

   "What? Mr. Li, you slept outside here last night."

After a while, Captain Wang raised his eyes and saw the large and small red marks on Li Zhenting's face that had been bitten by mosquitoes. A little red envelope, a little shocking.

  The richest man in the imperial capital, who is so handsome and talented, would degrade himself to such an extent for a woman. I really don't know what ability Shen Ning has to get his true love.

   "It's okay, you go first." Li Zhenting didn't answer him, but just let him go.

"Mr. Li, if you have no place to sleep at night, you can sleep at my house. You really can't sleep outside." Captain Wang sympathized with him very much. The villagers have never slept in the open yard.

   "No, I have to protect my wife. She is pregnant. Didn't I ask you to buy mosquito coils? It's okay." Li Zhenting directly refused, took out a toothbrush from the bag that Captain Zhang brought over, and began to brush his teeth.

  Captain Zhang had no choice but to leave.

  In the room, the red wooden door was closed tightly, and there was no sound inside.

"Ning Ning, Ning Ning." Li Zhenting stood by the window, and from last night's faint light and the occasional movement, he judged that this room was Shen Ning's bedroom, "Are you awake? You bought breakfast and some fresh vegetables and fruits, would you open the door?"

   There is no response inside.

"Ning Ning, Ning Ning, you open the door. I know you have resentment in your heart. You can scold me and beat me. I just hope you can open your heart and talk to me. I will explain everything to you clearly. But don't be bored in your heart, it's not good for your body, and it's not good for the baby in your stomach." Li Zhenting said with concern and affection.

   But before the words were finished, suddenly, the window was pushed open, and a basin of cold water poured out of it, just in time to splash on Li Zhenting.

  In an instant, his face, head and body were all wet, which made him breathless for a while.

  Shen Ning immediately locked the window and went to the kitchen.

   Li Zhenting stood for a while, smiled wryly, and walked towards the gazebo.

  He didn't have much clothes, so he had to take them off and put them in the pavilion to dry. Fortunately, his pants were not wet yet.

   Eating the melons and fruits sent by Captain Wang, he felt uncomfortable.

  But he didn't give up, and continued to wait for opportunities to impress Shen Ning.


  His guard lasted three days and three nights.

  For three whole days and three nights, Shen Ning didn't open the door. If it wasn't for the faint light coming from the bedroom at night, he was really worried whether she had left or something happened.

  These three days and nights were as long as three years. He sat in the gazebo enduring the sun-baked mosquito bites, hoping that she would open the door, listen to his explanation, and give him a chance to repent.


  Her heart is as cold as iron, merciless.

  His heart sank little by little, and what he was more worried about was that if she kept herself in the house and couldn't come out, she would get sick from being stuffy, and it would be bad for the child in her stomach!

   At noon on the fourth day, the sun was very strong, and it was steaming hot from the sun. The weather was sultry and there was no wind.

  In Belvedere, it is very hot at noon, but it will be very cold at night.

   After staying for a few consecutive nights under the alternation of cold and heat, Li Zhenting began to feel dizzy and dizzy, and he lost all energy.

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