Shen Ning's heart sank, and his face turned black: "Okay, don't talk about him anymore, I know best whether I love him or not."

   "Okay." Zhang Xiaoxian saw that Shen Ning would be in a bad mood just to mention her ex-husband, so she tactfully stopped mentioning it, and the two went to the living room to study the spice package.

  The Lin family villa in the United States.

  Lin Zhenxun stood in the study, looked at the gauze clouds rising faintly from the distant mountains, looming, and sighed deeply.

  The doorbell rang.

"Come in."

   "Dad." The door opened, and the tall, thin, handsome and suave Lin Shouyu walked in.

   "Shou Yu, have you lost your sister's whereabouts?" Lin Zhenxun's face was gloomy, his expression was lonely, and his eyes were cloudy.

As he got older, he missed his daughter who disappeared when she was still a baby. It was the crystallization of his love with Zhou Huiying. Zhou Huiying was his first love, the love of his life, but he hadn't had time to make up for it. To her, she bled to death on the day of delivery.

  He is ashamed!

  For so many years, whenever the night was quiet, he would feel guilty and sad, and burst into tears. Therefore, he often went to the imperial capital... After all, Zhou Huiying died of dystocia in the Imperial Capital Maternal and Child Health Hospital.

"Dad, it's really difficult. I found the maternal and child health care hospital where my mother gave birth some time ago, and found that eight children were born that night, and two pregnant mothers had hemorrhage and dystocia. As for the names of the two mothers, the current age It's been a long time, and the files have been lost, and it's hard to find all the information about the eight babies born that night." Lin Shouyu was extremely regretful.

   "Hey, I'm really sorry for their mother and daughter. Thinking about how pitiful they are, I'm guilty." Lin Zhenxun took off his glasses, wiped his tears with a tissue, and was very sad.

  If he had been braver and stronger and fought against his mother, how could such a thing have happened? He has an inescapable responsibility!

   "Dad, don't be too sad, I will continue to search." Seeing that his old father was so sad, Lin Shouyu could only comfort him.

   "Hmm." Lin Zhenxun said "hmm" and then bowed his head and stopped talking.

   "By the way, Dad, when I was in the imperial capital, I found a girl who looked like the mother in the photo." Lin Shouyu said suddenly.

   "Who?" Lin Zhenxun seemed to have thought of something, and suddenly raised his head.

   "She, Li Zhenting's wife, Shen Ning." Lin Shouyu said slowly.

   "Do you think so too?" Lin Zhenxun asked eagerly, Shen Ning's voice and smile flashed in his mind, and his heart throbbed.

  Actually, Lin Zhenxun always felt that Shen Ning was like his dead first love, and he had always been suspicious, but he checked it out himself, and found that Shen Ning was indeed born to Ms. Shao Meiqi and Shen Deshun, and her date of birth certificates were intact.

  He had no reason to doubt her, so he could only give up.

  Of course, this did not affect his affection and love for Shen Ning, that's why he cooperated with her on spice!

   "Yes, Dad, do you know her?" Lin Shouyu was surprised.

"Well, I knew Shen Ning's mother a long time ago. At a dance, she brought her daughter Shen Ning to the dinner party. I had a special affinity with that little girl and liked her very much. Later I planned to cooperate with Shao Meiqi on the Huayue series of perfumes, but for some unknown reason, she suddenly jumped off the building, hey, think about it, what a pity, this is also a poor woman." Speaking of the past, Lin Zhenxun was very sad.

  He went to the imperial capital several times later, but he never saw Shen Ning again.

That day, at the Imperial City Fair, he recognized Shen Ning at a glance. Although he hadn't seen her for so many years, and she had grown from a little girl to a big girl, he recognized her with just one glance. coming.

  Actually, he understands very well that the reason why he can't forget it so much is because Shen Ning looks so much like Zhou Huiying.

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