"Dad, it turns out that you have such a story with their mother, it's really a pity." Lin Shouyu twitched his eyebrows, and looked up at the night sky outside the window.

That day, when Lin Shouyu met Shen Ning at the dinner party for the first time, he was very shocked. Shen Ning's eyebrows and eyes were too similar to his dead mother. At that time, he kept staring at her, trying to understand the problem, but there were too many people that day. And he was not too abrupt when meeting Shen Ning for the first time.

  After the dinner, Shen Ning went home with Li Zhenting, and it was not easy for him to ask.

  The next day, something happened to the company in the country of America, so he had to hurry back and temporarily postpone the matter.

  However, he thought that the Lin Group and the Li Group would have many business cooperations in the future, and there would be more opportunities to learn the truth in the future, so he didn't take it too seriously.

In fact, twenty-six years ago, Zhou Huiying was pregnant with twins, and died of massive hemorrhage that night. Two days later, because no relatives claimed her baby, she had to be sent to an orphanage. When the hospital returned, only the baby boy was left, and the baby girl was nowhere to be found.

  He named the baby boy Lin Shouyu, and he loved it even more.

   As for the baby girl, the search is always on.

During this period, he asked for Zhou Huiying's medical records from the Maternal and Child Health Hospital, which clearly stated that there was a twin and a baby girl, but the hospital and the orphanage did not know where the baby girl went. The other said that when the hospital sent them, there were only male babies.

  Lin Zhenxun had no choice but to let this matter pass after repeated investigations to no avail.

  In the blink of an eye, it has been twenty-six years, and he is also old. Recently, he often thinks of that poor child, who has gone somewhere, and sometimes in his dreams, he will burst into tears.

   "Dad, you don't need to be too sad. I'm going to the imperial capital tomorrow. This time I will ask Li Zhenting personally and call the couple out. This time, I will definitely find out." He said resolutely.

   This time, if he can't figure it out again, he will definitely drag Shen Ning to do a paternity test, because Dad is already old and his health is getting worse day by day, so he can't make him regret his whole life.

   "Okay, okay." Lin Zhenxun nodded persistently.

  If Shen Ning is really his daughter, how wonderful it would be! He still had time to make it up to her!

   the next day.

   After Shen Ning woke up early in the morning, he touched his belly with his hand and went for a walk outside to breathe the fresh air.

  But when she walked to the door, she suddenly smelled the refreshing aroma of roses.

   She frowned.

  How can such a small place have the aroma of roses? There are several fruit trees in the yard, and the aroma of apple and peach blossoms is justified.

  She stepped out.

   Raised his head suddenly, his eyes widened.

  One day, the yard was full of roses, which were so bright and beautiful that they were arranged in the shape of a heart, which was very dazzling.

  In the middle, a handsome man stood in the sea of ​​flowers, holding a lot of roses in his hands, with a delicate smile on his lips, when he saw her coming out, his eyes were soft and bright, and he immediately walked towards her.

   "Good morning, Ningning. These are the roses I gave you, do you like them?" Li Zhenting handed the flowers in front of her with both hands, speaking softly.

  Shen Ning's face turned dark.

"Get out." She knocked off the rose in his hand, and shouted angrily: "Li Zhenting, you are really shameless, do I care if you give this broken flower? Please be normal, I don't want to see you , hate you, we are over long ago, what are you doing here with these ugly and disgusting flowers? It will only dirty my land, I order you now, throw these flowers away for me immediately, otherwise, I want to report to the police that you have repeatedly harassed me and throw you out of Yuan County."

   Li Zhenting was instantly ashamed and at a loss for what to do.

Shen Ning became more and more angry, bent down, picked up a few sticks of roses and threw them to the ground, stepped on them with his feet, and cursed: "Idiot, crazy, who cares about your things, dirty my land, and even hurt me Hygiene, why did you come to harm me?"

   "Ning Ning, be careful." Li Zhenting watched with heartache as the roses he had carefully bought after spending a day and a night were trampled to pieces by her, his heart was bleeding, but after a while, he was frightened again.

I saw Shen Ning was out of control when she stepped on these flowers, she seemed to be venting her pent-up anger, she didn't notice her own safety at all, the floor was silky after the rose petals were crushed, when she stepped on, His body also tilted from time to time, as if he was about to fall, which made his heart lift up.

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