"Cousin, I didn't expect that you have become such a good man now, working as a nanny here every day." Li Jiaojiao slipped into the small room where Li Zhenting lived. He was busy with work, obviously, he was dealing with work matters, she folded her arms around her chest, leaning against the door panel, looking at him casually and laughing.

  Li Zhenting didn't even raise his head, and asked in a cold voice, "What are you doing here?"

   "Of course I came to see my cousin, don't you know? I always care about my cousin very much, even more than you." Li Jiaojiao replied with a smile.

   "Hey." Li Zhenting said coldly, not bothering to talk to her.

   "I said cousin, when will you succeed in robbing and get your cousin's forgiveness." Li Jiaojiao suddenly asked seriously.

  Tonight, after everyone finished eating, everyone went to rest and wash up. He was the only one who was seriously washing the dishes, cleaning the table, and sweeping and mopping the floor. He was definitely a nanny. She was very surprised when she saw it.

   That President Li, who is admired by thousands of people in the mall, is able to bend and stretch, and becomes a nanny for his cousin, which is really impressive.

   Li Zhenting's face sank: "Are you okay? Didn't go to bed quickly."

  Compared to washing dishes and cleaning, the one in front of him is the real pain. He sleeps on the stone bench in the open-air yard every day, and his face is covered with mosquito bites. Now this is very good, at least he can sleep and eat.

   "Cousin, I think my cousin-in-law likes Zhu Qixiong very much now, you have to be careful." Li Jiaojiao seriously reminded after walking a few steps in the house.

   "Do you really think that Shen Ning will choose Zhu Qixiong?" This sentence touched Li Zhenting's heart, because he thought so too, so he raised his head and asked.

"Why not? Zhu Qixiong is considerate, considerate and gentle, and understands women's thoughts very well. She is very popular with women. My cousin is just a woman, or a woman who has been scarred by you. She will completely choose Zhu Qixiong, didn't you see that when she looked at Zhu Qixiong, there was light in her eyes, you have to be careful."

   "Okay, I see." Li Zhenting was a little upset, "Get out, don't bother me."

"Cousin, don't worry, don't worry, I will definitely help you with the matter of cousin, who told you to be my cousin, I come to you now because I have a letter to give you. "Li Jiaojiao is not in a hurry.

   "What letter?"

   "Xiaoxiao wrote it for you."

   Li Zhenting straightened up, thinking of his daughter Xiaoxiao, a smile appeared on his face that hadn't smiled for a long time.

   "Show me." He held out his hand to her.

"It's just..." Li Jiaojiao was not in a hurry to take it out and giggled, "Cousin, you also know that I ran from the imperial capital to such a remote small village. It was really hard for me, and I spent a lot of money on board and lodging along the way."

   Li Zhenting half-closed his eyes.

  This little girl is as virtuous as his elder brother Li Zhijun, but whenever she comes to him, she must be asking for money!

   "Tell me, how much do you want?"

   "Cousin, I'm so sorry, I'm really tight right now, you can lend me some first, and I'll pay you back when I have money." Li Jiaojiao's eyes brightened, she smiled and wrung her fingers.

"How many?"

   "This number." She held out a finger.

  The corners of Li Zhenting's lips twitched, he picked up his phone and sent her a hundred yuan.

   "Cousin, you are joking, what can you do with a hundred dollars." Li Jiaojiao grimaced.

   "How much, one thousand or ten thousand?"

   "No, it's one million." Li Jiaojiao lowered her head, her voice was small but clear.

   Li Zhenting's eyes darkened, staring at her, the aperture tightened little by little.

  Li Jiaojiao raised her eyes and smiled flatteringly at him.

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