Three Little Troublemakers Turned the World Upside Down After My Divorce

Chapter 1120: In came the dark shadows of two men

   "Well, I only have 100,000 here. If you want it, you can get it, if you don't want it, get out." After a while, Li Zhenting said lightly.

   "Cousin, one hundred thousand is too little, is it possible that you don't even want a small letter?"

   "Of course, but I will call Xiaoxiao and tell her that you asked me for money. The little guy will definitely tell me the content of the letter."

   "..." Li Jiaojiao was dumbfounded, "Okay, one hundred thousand is one hundred thousand."

   Li Zhenting is really good!

   Li Zhenting squinted at her sideways, and turned 100,000 to her slowly.

   "Jiaojiao, this time, if you can really help me and let Shen Ning take the children home obediently, I will give you a generous reward."

   "Okay, okay, I will definitely." Li Jiaojiao's eyes lit up again, her face became a flower with a smile, and she immediately patted her chest to promise.

   Li Zhenting snorted noncommittally.

  Li Jiaojiao went to bed happily after winning 100,000 yuan.

  Sitting under the dim light, Li Zhenting opened the letter written by Xiaoxiao, with a knowing smile on his lips.

  Little, she is really his precious daughter!

  The darkest hour before the dawn.

  Outside the courtyard, two black shadows approached quietly.

   After turning around in a big circle, they came to a big tree.

   "Da Niu, which room do you think is better for us to enter?"

"It must be going into the big belly woman's room, one is because she is easy to control, and the other is that she is about to give birth, so she must have prepared a lot of cash, and all three men came to him, so she must not give her a lot of money Yeah." Big Yellow's eyes turned green.

   As long as they get one-third of the money, they will all get rich.

   "Makes sense."

  The two discussed again in low voices.

It turned out that after Li Zhenting came to find him, everyone gradually knew that he was the richest man in the imperial capital, contracted the lotus pond, and donated it to the village. The whole village was boiling, and then, Zhu Qixiong came, Ji Aoyama also followed.

   These men look extravagant.

   Therefore, Shen Ning has now become the richest rich woman.

   Coincidentally, there are two idlers in the village who have just finished squatting: Daniu and Dahuang. They plan to come here to steal some money at night. This matter has been discussed for several days, and they decided to act tonight.

   At this time, the moon is dark and the wind is high, which is a good time to commit crimes!

   After a while, they went around to the back of Shen Ning's bedroom, took out the pliers and began to pick the lock.

  In the room here, Li Jiaojiao fell asleep like a dead pig after asking for the money.

   Shen Ning was half asleep and half awake.

  The closer the delivery is, the more the stomach presses the bladder, and the more I want to go to the toilet.

In the second half of the night, she had another nightmare. She dreamed that someone hit her stomach with something. She felt a pain in her heart, and broke out in a cold sweat. When she opened her eyes, she saw that the room was pitch black, and her stomach The pendulum swelled so much that I wanted to pee more and more.

  She turned over vigorously, got up, and was about to go down to put on her shoes when suddenly there was a sound of picking the lock from the back door.

  But it wasn't long before I turned my head away.

  The back door was suddenly pushed open, and the shadows of two men entered.

Shen Ning never dreamed that there would be idle villagers coming in to steal money. At first, he thought it was Li Zhenting. After all, these days, he was always trying to get close to her and take care of her. Now in the middle of the night, this **** actually pried The door came in, because she thought she was asleep and wanted to sneak in.

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