"Li Zhenting, get out, don't think that I will forgive you." Shen Ning growled angrily at the shadow.

  In an instant, the shadow didn't move.

  Daniu and Dahuang were stunned for a moment. In such a dark moment, Shen Ning did not sleep, but sat on the edge of the bed.

  For a while, the two of them didn't know what to do!

  After Shen Ning finished yelling, he suddenly felt something was wrong.

  Li Zhenting's aura has run through most of her entire life. It is self-evident that she is familiar with him, but now, this black shadow that broke in clearly brought a strange aura.

  Her face instantly changed color.

"Don't move, take out the money." At this time, the two men also quickly came to their senses. Even though they were discovered, they simply kept doing nothing. One of them rushed up and grabbed Shen Ning's hair, Locking her throat, the other shouted angrily beside her.

"Hero, who are you? Let me go, and I'll give you money." Shen Ning's throat was locked, his face turned purple instantly, and he had difficulty breathing, but when one of them asked for money, the man who locked her throat regained consciousness. When it was time for her to speak, Shen Ning let go of his fingers, and after a burst of intense breathing, Shen Ning opened his mouth nervously.

   "Stop rambling, bring the money quickly, or I will kill the child in your stomach and kill you twice." Rhubarb picked up Shen Ning, and impatiently raised his hand to hit Shen Ning in the abdomen.

   "No, man, please don't hurt my children. I will give you money. Really, I have money, so I will give you all the money." Shen Ning begged with tears.

   "Where's the money?" Daniel looked around, fortunately, no one was alarmed, and hurriedly asked with his fists clenched.

   "Yes, there, you let me pass." Shen Ning pointed to the cabinet.

   Da Huang and Daniu were overjoyed when they saw it, and escorted Shen Ning to the cabinet.

   Shen Ning's mind was spinning rapidly.

  Because Ji Qingshan and Li Jiaojiao came, so many people can't sleep in the room, Zhu Qixiong has already slept at Zhang Xiaoxian's house, that is to say, only Ji Qingshan is sleeping next door, and Aunt Dong is sleeping there.

  Ji Qingshan is short-sighted and a weak scholar, while Aunt Dong and Li Jiaojiao are both old and weak women, and they can't resist these two ferocious middle-aged men at all.

  She's doomed tonight, hope she can pay them off.

   It's just that when she thinks of such a situation, she feels grief. It's not that she is afraid of her own death, but that mother's love makes her worry about the child in her womb.

  At this painful and dangerous moment, a figure suddenly flashed in her mind, it was Li Zhenting.

During this period of time, she didn't know where he slept at night. Anyway, in the front yard, he hadn't been there for a few days. She thought that a person like Li Zhenting who often travels around will definitely find a place to sleep. At the home of the village party secretary or Captain Wang.

   In this case, it is impossible for him to know what happened here.

"Hero, I'll give you all the money. Please let me and the baby in my stomach go? I won't tell anyone, please." Shen Ning begged bitterly, opened the cabinet, and put the inside All the money was taken out and handed over to them.

  Daniu and Dahuang looked at the large amount of money in their hands, and their eyes widened in surprise.

   Sure enough

   They came to the right.

  So much money, they have never seen it in their life.

  Daniu took a bag, put all the money in it, and was about to release Shen Ning and escape.


   Li Jiaojiao, who woke up from her sleep, saw two strange men suddenly coming into the room, one was still grabbing Shen Ning's hair, and screamed out of fright.

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