Ji Qingshan came up to Li Jiaojiao when he heard the cry, and looked at her coldly: "What? Miss Li, this is not a good feeling, even if it is not good, let's see if you still want to run around in the future. Only now do I know the pain, and I deserve it.”

  Li Jiaojiao was so angry that she rolled her eyes at him and whimpered a few more times.

   "Tell me, did you follow me here?" Ji Qingshan twitched his lips slightly, knelt down in front of her, pulled the towel from her mouth, and asked in a cold voice.

"Ha, ah." Li Jiaojiao gasped for breath immediately, the peculiar smell in her mouth made her vomit instinctively, spitting out continuously, after a while, she rolled her eyes at Ji Qingshan : "You wouldn't have taken the towel out of my mouth earlier."

"Hey, if it wasn't for me, you would have been raped by the gangsters now. It would be great if I could save you, but you still blame me for being late in getting the towel. Do you understand gratitude?" Ji Qingshan said angrily, He looked playfully at the ropes that tied her hands and feet but refused to untie her.

  Li Jiaojiao felt uncomfortable and anxious.

   "Professor Ji, please quickly untie the rope on my body, okay?" She had no choice but to show her kindness to him.

   "It also depends on my mood." Unexpectedly, Ji Qingshan is not easily attracted, he didn't even move his eyelids, he just opened his mouth lazily.

   "My dear Professor Ji, you are simply too handsome and heroic, please help me untie the rope, please?" Li Jiaojiao, the rich lady, was really uncomfortable, and she said good things with a smile.

  Ji Qingshan looked at her, then asked in a cold voice: "Answer my question first."

"what is the problem?"

   "What are you doing with me?"

"Me." Li Jiaojiao turned her eyes and swore: "Professor Ji, I didn't know you were here at all. I came to find my cousin, not with you. You should know, my cousin and I The relationship with her has always been very good, and I am very worried when she disappears."

  Ji Qingshan squinted his eyes. Before he came here, he always felt that someone was following him from behind, and he suspected in his heart that it was someone sent by her.

   Until the second day after he came, she followed him. He had every reason to suspect that she followed him.

   "Then how do you know that Shen Ning is in this place?"

"This is what I can do. Let me tell you. I knew it from Aunt Tandong. Don't you believe me? I even told him about my cousin." Li Jiaojiao was quite proud, but in fact , she really knew the specific address by following Ji Qingshan.

  The fact is that as soon as Ji Qingshan arrived in Licheng, Pei Jingchen told her, and then she followed her all the way!

  Of course, she won't tell him this!

  Ji Qingshan listened to what she said, it seemed very reasonable, and he was pondering.


  Over there, there is a light running this way in the darkness.

  He looked up and saw Li Zhenting running towards him with Shen Ning in his arms.

   "Professor Ji, hurry up, Shen Ning has a stomachache." Still far away, Li Zhenting yelled.

  Ji Qingshan's face changed color, and he immediately stood up and ran towards them.

"Hey, Ji Ming Beast, you should untie the rope for me." Li Jiaojiao wailed, Ji Qingshan is too stupid this day, he ran away without even untying the rope for her, hum, wait and see Well, she will definitely avenge this revenge.

   "Professor Ji, come on, help her see, she is already running water." Li Zhenting shouted anxiously to Ji Qingshan who came running after hearing the news.

  Ji Qingshan touched Shen Ning's stomach, checked it, and said: "The amniotic fluid has broken, send it to the hospital immediately."

  Hearing this, Li Zhenting started running wildly with Shen Ning in his arms.

  Ji Qingshan ran up from behind, and said: "Don't be too anxious, I have already arranged a doctor in the Maternal and Child Health Hospital, you just go there."

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