On the pier.

   Li Zhenting hugged Shen Ning and looked around anxiously.

   At this time, the sky is not yet bright, and the round-robin has not started running.

  Looking at the white river in the dark night, he felt anxious.

   Shen Ning was pale and lay in his arms.

   Until this moment, she was still resistant to him.

  Even if he appeared in time to save her, she would not accept his kindness, because the child in her belly was his, and he had the responsibility to save her, and his responsibilities were more than that!

  She closed her eyes slightly, and there was a faint pain in her stomach, which was not so severe.

   It should be about to give birth. Originally, it didn't happen so soon, but because of being pushed and pulled by the gangsters, I fell on the ridge of the field and broke the amniotic fluid.

"Secretary, my wife's water has broken, please can you send a boat to take us across the river." Li Zhenting was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot. He hugged Shen Ning in the pavilion, took out his mobile phone and started Call the village secretary.

  The secretary of the village party committee immediately agreed to contact him after hearing this.

   Li Zhenting breathed a sigh of relief, hugged Shen Ning and sat on the ground, with sweat all over his face and forehead.

   "Ning Ning, how is it? Does it hurt?" He took out a tissue from his pocket to wipe the sweat on Shen Ning's forehead and asked lovingly.

   But Shen Ning gritted his teeth, closed his eyes slightly, turned his face to the side, and said nothing, his teeth turned white.

"Ningning, please don't be angry with me for the sake of the children, okay? Don't worry, I will do my best to atone for my sins in the future. Just give birth to the child with peace of mind, and leave the rest to me." Li Zhenting Touching her pale face with his fingers, his face was full of affection.

  But Shen Ning ruthlessly pushed his fingers away, his face tensed.

   If there is still a way to do it at this time, she is not willing to let him take herself to the hospital.

   But now the danger is imminent, for the sake of the children, she has to accept his help.

   Li Zhenting felt uncomfortable seeing that she was still full of guard against him.

   "Ning Ning, bear with me for a while, the branch secretary has already dispatched the ship, and we will be able to go to the Maternal and Child Health Hospital soon."

  He held her hand and spoke softly.

   Shen Ning was expressionless, and said coldly: "Please don't touch me, I think it's dirty and disgusting."

  She pulled out her hand forcefully.

  She will never forget the picture of him leaving her with Xiaofeng in his arms in the mall.

   Li Zhenting lowered his head in shame.

"Ningning, do you know? Xiaoxiao wrote to me. He told me to bring Mommy back and not let Mommy suffer a little bit. I have already promised her. No matter what, this time, I will definitely To take you home, our family must be reunited, and I will do everything I can to make up for you."

  He whispered, the night was vast, silent, and extremely sad.

   "Ningning, I love you, please believe me." He hugged her tightly, stroked her belly, and sobbed.

  A burst of pain hit, and Shen Ning grunted from the pain between his teeth.

   Li Zhenting immediately hugged her tightly, looking around nervously and anxiously.

  I don't know how the ship is mobilized? Why haven't you come yet?

  He took out his phone and called the village party secretary.

  The other side told him that no one would go to work until eight o'clock, and it was only after five o'clock, but he still transferred the crew to come here, but it took a certain amount of time for the crew to come from home.

   He thanks and hangs up.

   "Be careful." After a burst of pain passed, Shen Ning opened her eyes again. Suddenly, in the night, a white light flashed down from her head, and she shouted out in shock

   Li Zhenting's heart was shocked, and he turned his head immediately, and saw a knife cutting towards them.

   "Ning Ning." Instinctively, he hugged Shen Ning tightly in his arms, turned around, and saw two middle-aged men who looked like villagers slashing at him with knives.

   It turned out that Rhubarb and Daniu were not reconciled after suffering losses respectively. After waking up, they went back to the village, found a few friends, and chased after them.

   Li Zhenting was furious, a cold light flashed in his eyes, and he kicked a man over with a swinging leg.

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