With a sound of "Boom," the man was kicked to the ground, and the knife was thrown far away.

Li Zhenting did not dare to put Shen Ning down, fearing that she would be attacked, he held her tightly in his arms, turned around, his eyes were like eagles, his whole body exuded a chilling aura, and he stared closely at the two gangsters .

   Rhubarb and Daniu had already been injured, and they hid aside and shivered.

   And these two middle-aged men have never learned how powerful Li Zhenting is, and they are extremely vicious.

   Isn't he just a lean man with a big belly!

  They didn't believe that they couldn't subdue him.


   They attacked together again.

  The corners of Li Zhenting's lips curled up in a stern arc, he dodged several times flexibly, and took the opportunity to kick him horizontally.

   "Ouch." Immediately, a man was kicked in the crotch, and screamed, holding his lower body with his hands and wailing.

  The other blushed anxiously, and rushed forward with a knife.

   Li Zhenting sneered, he was just a farmer, if he hadn't hugged Shen Ning, in normal times, such a man would be one against ten.

  Seeing the gangsters slashing at him frantically with knives.

  Holding Shen Ning, he nimbly backed away.


  After he consumed the gangster's brute force, he took advantage of a gap and kicked the knife over in his hand.

  The gangster was kicked back a few steps, and before he could stand still, Li Zhenting kicked him again, hitting his chest.

  The gangster spat out a mouthful of blood and fell backwards to the ground.

  At this time, Dongfang had already vomited fish belly.

  On the road over there, the boatman trotted over.

   Li Zhenting heaved a sigh of relief, and looked at Shen Ning in his arms.

  Shen Ning's small face was pale, and he was looking at him in panic.

  The corners of his lips twitched, and he comforted: "Don't be afraid, the gangster has been defeated by me, and the boatman is here, and we will be able to cross the river to Yuan County soon."

  Shen Ning knew Li Zhenting's skills, and these rural men were no match for him at all.

  She exhaled slightly, a burst of pain hit her, her brows were wrinkled, and her face looked pained.

   "What's the matter? Does it hurt?" Li Zhenting was very nervous and hurriedly looked at her stomach.

at this time

  A silver light flashed over.

   Li Zhenting turned pale with shock, and instinctively covered Shen Ning's stomach with his whole body.

   And at this time.

  A sharp knife sneaked up and stabbed Li Zhenting's arm. In an instant, there was blood like a column.

  He gasped in pain, raised his sharp eyes, and saw Da Huang sneaking up from the side with a sharp knife, slashing wildly at him.

  Just now, if he hadn't protected Shen Ning, the sharp knife would have slashed on Shen Ning's stomach.

   It is so vicious that even pregnant women are not spared!

   "Ah." He roared, hugged Shen Ning and bent over to avoid several attacks, before kicking Da Huang's calf hard.

   Rhubarb was kicked until he knelt down, and the knife in his hand fell to the ground.

   Li Zhenting kicked the knife into the river.

  At this time, the boatman ran over, and seeing this scene, his face turned pale with fright.

   "Hurry up, my wife is about to give birth, send us across the river quickly." Li Zhenting's arms were covered in blood, and he gritted his teeth and shouted at the boatman.

"Damn it, what a crime." The boatman looked at the gangsters who fell to the ground. These people were all from Yuhe Village. He knew them. They were all idlers who didn't do business. An attempt, this is thinking that a rich man has come to Yuhe Village and wants to take the opportunity to blackmail him.

  He jumped on the boat immediately, and said to Li Zhenting: "Come on, these **** can't live without their own crimes, and the village will clean them up."

   "Thank you." Li Zhenting quickly carried Shen Ning onto the boat.

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