Only for a moment, Shen Ning's dizziness was severe, and the smell of blood was all over his nostrils.

  She opened her eyes.

  I saw the blood on Li Zhenting's forearm flowing like a pillar.

  Her heart trembled instantly, and her fingers stroked her stomach in fear.

  The ship has started.

  She struggled to sit up.

   "You bandage your arms first." She tore her maternity dress into strips and handed it to him.

   Li Zhenting glanced at his arm, the blood was still flowing out, probably the blood vessel was cut off.

   "Thank you." He glanced at her meaningfully, reached out and took the cloth strip, and began to bandage it.

   "I have blood coagulation powder here." At this moment, the boatman took a pot of powder medicine from a medicine box and handed it to him.

   Li Zhenting took it and sprinkled it all over the wound, and then bandaged himself.

  The blood finally decreased.

  He stretched out his hand to wash in the river beside the boat, and the river water quickly turned blood red.

  Shen Ning closed his eyes, feeling very dizzy.

   "Ning Ning, are you okay?" Li Zhenting reached out and hugged her into his arms, and asked with concern.

  Shen Ning felt warm liquid flow out of her lower body, it was red, and her labor pains began to become more frequent.

  She turned her face away, ignoring Li Zhenting.

   After a while, the boat reached the shore.

   Li Zhenting hugged Shen Ning and carried her ashore. While waiting for the ferry, Li Zhenting felt sticky in his hands. When he raised his hand, it was full of blood.

   "Ning Ning, are you bleeding?" He, who had never experienced a woman giving birth, tensed up at this moment, his face changed color as if he was facing an enemy.

  Shen Ning still closed his eyes slightly, not answering.

   "Master, can you hurry up and start the boat." After a while, he carried Shen Ning into the boat, jumping anxiously.

  The ferryman was terrified when he saw the blood all over his body.

"Okay, I'll take the two of you to cross the river now." Originally, the ferry didn't leave until 8:15, but because there were no people in the early morning, and the young man and woman in front of them were covered in blood, the woman It was a pregnant woman, and he was also worried about accidents, so he broke the rules and sailed.

   Li Zhenting took out his mobile phone and sent him a big red envelope, then hugged Shen Ning and looked at her anxiously.

  If something happened to Shen Ning and the child this time, he would never forgive himself!

   An hour later, on the pier in Yuan County, Li Zhenting picked up Shen Ning and ran wildly.

  Pedestrians on the side of the road looked at this pair of young men and women in surprise.

   But wherever Li Zhenting ran, there was blood, and it was hard to tell whether it was Shen Ning's or Li Zhenting's, it was shocking!

"Give way, please make way." Fortunately, the Maternal and Child Health Hospital is not far from the pier in Yuanxian County. Li Zhenting ran and shouted like crazy, and the pedestrians along the way couldn't avoid it. He almost hit the car several times. Fortunately, they arrived at the hospital without any danger.

   "Doctor, hurry up, my wife is about to give birth." Li Zhenting rushed into the Maternal and Child Health Hospital and shouted loudly.

   But this is just a small county hospital, the medical equipment is not that advanced, and no one knows him and gave him the green light.

   It was the patients in the hospital who were petrified when they saw the blood flowing on the ground.

   After a while, Li Zhenting remembered Ji Qingshan, and hurriedly called him.

   "Principal Chen Xunxue is waiting for you at the Obstetrics and Gynecology Department on the third floor, you can take Shen Ning up there, we will come soon." Ji Qingshan told him on the phone.

  At that time, he was sitting on the first ferry with Aunt Dong, Zhu Qixiong, and Li Jiaojiao, waiting to cross the river.

  Aunt Dong woke up and found out what happened to Shen Ning last night, she was so frightened that her face turned blue. She didn't know how Shen Ning was doing now, but she just learned from the phone that Shen Ning's water had broken, so she rushed to come over immediately.

  After Li Jiaojiao was untied by Zhang Xiaoxian who came here, she hated Ji Qingshan so much. This man deliberately didn't untie the rope for her, which disgusted her. Of course, she also wanted to follow Ji Qingshan to the hospital.

  Zhu Qixiong was already worried about Shen Ning, but after knowing that such a dangerous thing happened, he hated himself for not being there, and even followed him right away.

Along the way, they saw the injured gangsters on the pier and saw a lot of blood, and heard a pair of young men and women covered in blood heading towards Yuan County on the ferry. Everyone was very upset. heavy.

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