Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology on the third floor.

  Chen Xie was sitting and looking at his phone.


  The door opened.

  Li Zhenting hurried in with Shen Ning in his arms.

   "Mr. Li." Chen Yuxuan immediately stood up, "Quick, put my sister-in-law on the examination table."

   "Thank you." Li Zhenting only calmed down after seeing Chen Xunxiu, and he quickly put Shen Ning on the examination table.

  Chen Yuxie is a very famous gynecologist in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of the Imperial Capital, and she is also the dean there. She can come here in person, and Li Zhenting feels unprecedented peace of mind.

  Chen Xunxiu immediately began to conduct a comprehensive inspection on Shen Ning.

   Li Zhenting was asked to leave the consulting room.

   Several nurses began to come and go busy.

  In the hallway.

   Li Zhenting walked back and forth, waiting for the result.

   After a while, Chen Xie came out.

   "Dean Chen, how is my wife?"

Chen Yuxuan looked at him and smiled slightly: "Don't worry, your wife's amniotic fluid broke, and she will enter the state of waiting for labor soon, but the contractions are not strong at present, and the cervix is ​​not fully dilated. She still needs to wait, and she still needs to do some tests." , with me here, everything will be fine."

   "Thank you." Li Zhenting thanked repeatedly.

  At this time, Chen Xie looked at his arm and his face turned pale: "Mr. Li, what happened to you? Is your arm bleeding all the time?"

   On the floor, there was blood dripping down, dazzling and bloody.

  The man's arm and clothes were covered in blood. At first, Chen Yuxie only thought it was Shen Ning's blood, but now when he saw Li Zhenting's arm, he was terrified.

  As a citizen of the imperial capital, of course she knew Li Zhenting. It was the first time she saw this majestic man in distress. However, his embarrassment was all for his wife, which also made her respect.

   "I'm fine, big man, a little injury is nothing." Li Zhenting didn't think so, just looked inside, caring about Shen Ning, "How is she feeling now? Can I go in to accompany her?"

   "Mr. Li, we will watch her, but you, please go to the surgery to bandage the wound first." Chen Xie's face was serious.

"Okay, then I'll go bandage it first, and my wife will trouble you." Li Zhenting's heart was all on Shen Ning, and he didn't want to leave here for half a step, but Chen Yuxie's face was serious, so he had to follow the advice and turned to go downstairs go.

  It wasn't until he got down the stairs that he felt that he was top-heavy and dizzy, so he couldn't help but support the wall.

   Just after he went down step by step, he felt that he seemed to have exhausted his energy all his life, and was so weak that he broke into a cold sweat.

  Standing at the stairs, he took out his mobile phone and called Leng Xue, telling him to get ready, the helicopter is always on standby!

   After finishing all this, I called the surgery department and went in to bandage the wound.

  Surgical clinic.

  When the doctor on duty saw the wound on Li Zhenting's arm, he was shocked. The long incision was very long, and it hurt the blood vessel. I don't know how much blood flowed out. The whole arm was terribly pale.

"Young man, if you come one step later, this arm will be crippled due to blood loss. What a pity, your body is your own, so you have to be responsible for yourself." The person who received Li Zhenting was a middle-aged woman. The man is handsome and handsome, but he just doesn't know how to cherish his own body. He was startled and spoke earnestly.

   Li Zhenting smiled bitterly, what is his arm, as long as Shen Ning and the child in her belly are safe, then everything is worth it!

  But he didn't say anything, he just followed the doctor's order and lay down on the hospital bed.

  The doctor immediately cleaned the wound and prepared for the operation.

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