Three Little Troublemakers Turned the World Upside Down After My Divorce

Chapter 1147: Do you hate your ex-husband that much?

  Shen Ning stared at this image in a daze.

  Aunt Dong is right, if she takes the two babies with her, no matter where they go, they will not be able to escape the claws of Li Zhenting.

  He will definitely not give up this pair of lovely children, she has nowhere to escape!

  Since you can't escape, you can only be tough with him.

  But the strength of Guqi perfume can only be regarded as a small tadpole in front of Li's group, and it can't beat him at all.

   Looking at it now, it would be a good way to hire a powerful lawyer, confront him in court, and use public opinion to create momentum.

   And this Niu lawyer, judging from his relationship, is quite awesome, you might as well ask him to try it!

   In fact, Shen Ning thought of inviting him because he had no other choice. After all, there was only one such a good lawyer who dared to sue Li Zhenting in the imperial capital. She shouldn't miss it. No matter whether it is an opportunity or not, she should seize it first.

  Thinking about it, she sent a message: Good evening, Lawyer Niu.

   Li Zhenting was leaning against the tree trunk in despair, when suddenly, the WeChat on his mobile phone rang.

  He saw it and was stunned.

   It was actually sent by Shen Ning.

  Of course, she didn't send it to him, but to the wechat account of that'lawyer Niu'.

  He pondered for a while, and sent a message: Good evening, Miss Shen.

   "Lawyer Niu, are you okay now?"

"I am OK, you?"

   "I'm fine too."

"where are you now?"

   "I'm in the hospital, and I have good news for you. I gave birth to another pair of babies."

   "Oh, congratulations, is the baby's father your ex-husband?"

   "It's that beast." Shen Ning sent such a message after waiting for a while.

   Li Zhenting's face turned black, this dead woman actually scolded him like this in front of others.

   "Do you hate your ex-husband that much?"

   "Of course, I will never forgive him in this life."

   Li Zhenting's heart sank to the bottom.

  "Men will make mistakes. Sometimes women should be more tolerant. After forgiving him, maybe he will be an absolutely good husband from now on."

   "Hehe." Shen Ning sent a lump of **** over, "Can dogs be changed to eat shit?"

   Li Zhenting's face was as dark as a pot.

   "Is it because you are all men, and you are speaking for him?" Shen Ning was very dissatisfied, "If this is the case, it means that you are also this kind of person."

"No, I'm not speaking for him, he is indeed quite a jerk, but I think you have already given birth to five children for him, why don't you forgive him for the sake of the children, live with him, and give the children We have a safe and perfect home."

   "Love can never be compromised, not to mention that he never loved me, and I don't need this kind of feeling. From now on, I will live out my dignity and never rely on any man again."

"Okay, bullish." When Li Zhenting saw the sentence that he never loved me, his heart lit up. It seemed that she still hadn't seen his sincerity towards her, but when he saw the back, he was full of love for her. Admiration, such a woman has deep thoughts and is indeed worthy of his love.

"So, I would like to ask you, do you still dare to file a lawsuit with Li Zhenting? I have made up my mind to file a lawsuit with him. I want to **** the custody of the two babies I just gave birth to, and I must never let Li Zhenting I have already lost three children, and I am already worthy of him. I want to keep these two children. I want to ask you to help me with the lawsuit, can you? You can pay whatever you want." Shen Ning said this After sending a line of words, I looked at the phone screen nervously.

   Li Zhenting understood what she was thinking. It turned out that she was afraid that she would **** the pair of babies she had just given birth to.

   This made him feel very uncomfortable.

  The fact that she guarded against him like this shows that she never thought of going back with her.

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