Three Little Troublemakers Turned the World Upside Down After My Divorce

Chapter 1148: Of course it's to make Shen Ning happy

"Yes, I can help you, and I can guarantee that I will definitely help you keep the custody of the two babies, and even help you win the custody of the other three children, and I will definitely help you defeat Li Zhenting That beast." After a while, Li Zhenting sent her a message.

   "Really?" Shen Ning's eyes were bright.

   "Of course, once a man says something, it's hard to follow."

"That's really great, you can pay whatever you want, you just need to ensure that I win the custody of the two newborn babies, and give him the other three children, they have grown up and stay in Li's house It's better than following me, unlike these two little babies, they are still young and cannot do without Mommy."

   "Okay." Li Zhenting replied with a good word, feeling sour in his heart, dead woman, you also know that it is better for the children to stay in Li's house than to follow you, but the children would be better off without their mother.

  You just think that the newborn child needs you, don’t you know that Ke Ke, Ding Ding and Xiao Xiao also miss you very much and cannot live without you? Now they have all changed, and Xiao Xiao is about to suffer from depression.

   "Lawyer Niu, when you are free, let's see you next time and talk about remuneration and lawsuits."

"You can pay as you see fit. As for the meeting, I may not have time for now, at least it will take more than 20 days, because I am currently fighting a difficult lawsuit, and I am still in the city B next door, so I am relatively busy. I usually spend a lot of time in City B." Li Zhenting replied counting Shen Ning's confinement time.

   "Okay, then I'll wait for you." Shen Ning heard that it happened that she was also in confinement and it was not suitable for her to go out.

   "Then let's see each other later, if we have anything to do, we can communicate on WeChat first, okay?" Li Zhenting asked.

   "Of course, thank you, thank you so much."

   "You're welcome, I'm a lawyer and it's my responsibility to solve anything for my clients."

   "Well, you are very nice and dedicated." Shen Ning sent him a big like emoji.

   Li Zhenting's lips curled up slightly.

   After the two chatted again, Li Zhenting said good night.

  Holding his mobile phone, he looked up at the ward upstairs.

  The lights in the ward were just turned off. It seemed that she was going to sleep in peace.

  He thought for a while, picked up his phone and called Leng Xue.

   "Cold-blooded, you should prepare the helicopter immediately. Tomorrow morning, go to Yuhe Village, Licheng, and bring Zhang Xiaoxian's parents to the imperial capital."

  Leng Xue was taken aback for a moment.

   "President Li, why?"

   "Don't ask why, just do what I tell you." After Li Zhenting answered, he was about to hang up.

   What reason could there be? Of course it was to make Shen Ning happy.

   "By the way, Mr. Li, you asked me to investigate Zhu Qixiong's matter, and I have already found it." Suddenly, Leng Xue said again.

   "Oh, come on."

   "Mr. Li, Zhu Qixiong is indeed controlled by someone and is in big trouble, but the person who controls him is not someone else but his own father."


"Because Zhu's Group is about to go bankrupt under your pressure, Zhu Qiming, the president of Zhu's Group, dumped the blame on Zhu Qixiong, saying that it was because he got close to Shen Ning that he attracted your envy. That's why you suppressed the Zhu Group, and they all vented their anger on Zhu Qixiong."

  Li Zhenting was stunned for a long time before he understood what was going on. It turned out that Zhu Qixiong was a wronged person in Zhu's family, and his situation was far worse than his glamorous appearance.

  He hehe sneered.

   "Zhu Dongjin is really a fool. No wonder the Zhu Group will fall to where it is today. If it continues like this, it will end sooner or later. What a coward."

   "Yes, so President Li, let them fight among themselves. We can take this opportunity to kill these villains who forget their duty."

  Li Zhenting was silent while holding the phone.

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