However, something embarrassing Zhu Qixiong still came!

  That night, he was drinking in KTV. Halfway through the drink, a beautiful woman with tall buttocks and fat **** approached him and breathed alcohol at him: "Master Zhu, do you want to serve me?"

   She winked at him while speaking, raised her lips, red lips were like blood.

   "How is the technology? Can you guarantee satisfaction?" Zhu Qixiong whistled, glanced at the gully on her chest, smiled improperly, and touched her face with his fingers.

   "Don't worry, if you are satisfied, you can pay for an extra night if you are not satisfied." The beauty immediately leaned her chest over, bit the wine glass in his hand with her teeth, and drank it with her head held high, "It's just that the price will not be low."

   "Don't worry, I have money." Zhu Qixiong took out a gold card from his pocket and waved it in front of her, smiling.

  Today, 20% of Zhu's Group's equity dividends will be transferred to his card, at least two or three million.

  The beauty's eyes lit up, she took the finger with red nails from his hand, and put it to her lips for a kiss.

   "Master Zhu, we want a bottle of Agni 2, okay?" She asked ambiguously.

   "Of course." Zhu Qixiong narrowed his eyes.

  Agni No. 2 is a kind of concocted wine, which is quite strong and has a lot of stamina, which can make people want to die.

  A woman is not afraid to drink this kind of wine, how dare a man lag behind, this is a matter of his masculine dignity.

  However, he has plenty of ways to deal with this kind of woman.

   "Waiter, bring a bottle of Agni No. 2." The woman ordered to the waiter at the bar.

   "Okay." The waiter agreed, and immediately began to mix drinks.

   "Young Master Zhu, I have to charge at least five figures a night for drinking this." The woman put her lips next to Zhu Qixiong's ear, very ambiguous.

  Zhu Qixiong slightly tilted his head: "No problem."

   "Then pay half of the deposit first." The woman took out her mobile phone and smiled evilly.

  Zhu Qixiong's eyes flashed a cold light. In his bones, he hated this kind of woman the most, and would sell anything for money!

  He played with the gold card in his hand, but he didn't turn on the phone screen for a long time.

  At this time, the woman became anxious, and simply sat on his lap, coquettishly: "Young Master Zhu, I am the famous number one here, and you will never lose money."

  Zhu Qixiong was about to push her away, the waiter adjusted Agni No. 2 and put it in front of them and said, "Young Master Zhu, 3800, please scan the QR code to pay."

  Zhu Qixiong hesitated.

   "Master Zhu, can't you even pay for a bottle of wine?" The woman looked at him provocatively.

  Zhu Qixiong thought, drink her down first, he can't lose face.

   "Come on." He picked up his phone and switched to the payment code, and handed it to the waiter.

   "Thank you." The waiter picked up the sensor.

  Zhu Qixiong put the phone on the sensor.

   "Young Master Zhu, I'm sorry, the balance is insufficient." After a while, the waiter looked up at him and said so.

  Zhu Qixiong was taken aback, no, a sum of money would come in every month today, rain or shine, it has been many years.

   "Are you sure?" He looked at the waiter and asked dissatisfied.


   Li Zhenting frowned, turned on his phone and checked.

   After a while, I was stunned, and the balance on the phone was only five hundred yuan.

  He thought for a while, and changed another card, but the balance was still insufficient. When he reached for it again, he remembered that he gave Zhang Xiaoxian a card last night, and there was definitely money in it.

   For a moment, he was embarrassed.

   He really has no money on him!

  The woman saw that he couldn't even pay for the bottle of wine, and immediately her face was full of contempt, and she secretly called herself unlucky, wasting the most profitable time of the night.

   "Master Zhu, can you really not afford to pay for a bottle of wine?" Her voice became much colder.

   "Yes, I have no money. I'm a poor man. You can get out now." Zhu Qixiong said coldly.

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