Three Little Troublemakers Turned the World Upside Down After My Divorce

Chapter 1168: He felt the embarrassment of having no money

  The woman stood up abruptly, and glared at him angrily.

   "Get out." Zhu Qixiong yelled angrily.

   "Get out, get out, don't come to play if you don't have money, if you can't afford to play, it's disgusting, bad luck." The woman muttered to leave. Unexpectedly, Zhu Qixiong heard it.

   Now the man's self-esteem cannot dilute these insults.

   In the past, when he had money, he spent a lot of money in these places, but now, he was insulted by them as soon as he had no money.

   This is more uncomfortable for him than killing him, and because of this, he looks down on these snobbish dirty women who only have money in their eyes.

   "Stop." He shouted and stood up abruptly.

  The woman had just walked out a few steps, and was startled when she heard the angry shout. Looking back, she saw Zhu Qixiong's eyes staring at her as if she was about to kill someone, and cold sweat broke out on her back in fright.

  At the KTV gate over there, a tall man walked in with a few buddies.

   Li Zhenting was almost forcibly dragged out by these buddies.

  The reason is that he has disappeared for a long time, and he should invite these buddies out to consume and relax, and make up for their long-empty stomachs.

   Li Zhenting has a lot of money, so of course he doesn't care about the little money.

  The most important thing is that these buddies usually perform well, and they are not useless. When the Li Group was in trouble, they also contributed.

   Moreover, during this period of time, in order to get Shen Ning back, he did not invite them to eat or drink for several months, so he agreed.

   But what he didn't expect was that as soon as he walked into the KTV gate, he saw Zhu Qixiong who was mad at a woman.

   Only when he saw Zhu Qixiong, was he filled with complicated emotions.

   In principle, he doesn't like Zhu Qixiong at all. His close relationship with Shen Ning makes him jealous, but he is Shen Ning's friend, Shen Ning values ​​him very much, and he dare not despise him.

  Through this period of understanding, he also feels that Zhu Qixiong is not the kind of villain who sneaks in, at least he can be regarded as aboveboard. Although he is the young master of the Zhu family, his life experience is quite rough.

  Perhaps he plays games in life, and under his unrestrained appearance, there is also incomparable bitterness and helplessness.

"Hey, Young Master Zhu, you can't even afford a bottle of wine, what's the matter? You have an appointment but you don't need it. Do you still want to find a woman to make trouble for you?" The woman has been in this kind of place for many years. After being afraid for a moment, he immediately became courageous, but most of the men who come to this kind of place to hang out are justified, and when they really make trouble, for the sake of face and reputation, they are often the ones who let things go and their waists are hollowed out.

"You dirty and snobbish women who only have money in their eyes, corrupt the social atmosphere, and really disgrace women." Zhu Qixiong was so annoyed by the woman's words, he slapped the bar counter, knocking down several wine bottles .

  The woman didn't care, and sneered: "We are dirty, it's not because of you whores, you look down on us now, don't come if you have the ability, and don't be afraid to spend money when you come."

  Zhu Qixiong only came here to drink to relieve boredom. He never thought of asking a woman to serve him, and she clearly licked it by herself.

   "You are really shameless, I don't care about you." He gritted his teeth, his forehead was bruised, and he turned and left.

  But as soon as he turned around, the waiter over there greeted him with the bill.

   "Master Zhu, this is your consumption for tonight, please pay first."

  Zhu Qixiong picked it up and saw that it was nearly four thousand yuan, and his face turned green.

   "How can there be so much money?" He just drank a few bottles of beer.

"I'm sorry, the Agni No. 2 you ordered is a blend of several wines. Since it is blended, several bottles of new wine have been opened. You have to pay for these whether you want them or not." The waiter explained clearly .

   Zhu Qixiong was a little dumbfounded. For the first time in his life, he experienced the embarrassment of having no money.

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