"Ning Ning, Mr. Li has performed really well these days. Should you consider giving him a chance to perform?" Aunt Dong sighed a little while listening to the side, remembering the appearance of Li Zhenting who had just left in despair, the richest man in the capital, so It's very rare for the CEO of a big company to be able to do this in front of a woman. I don't know how much patience he can have.

   "Aunt Dong, I've said it before, it's impossible." But Shen Ning's answer was very straightforward.

  Aunt Dong sighed: "Sometimes, you have to think about the children, after all, they also need father's love."

   "He can come and see the kids, I didn't stop him."

   "What about Keke, Ding Ding and Xiaoxiao, what if they miss Mommy?"

  Shen Ning heard this and said: "By the way, Aunt Dong, please tidy up the upstairs room. I want to pick up the children and stay here for a few days."

   "I'm already tidying up, I just need to buy some playthings for the children." Aunt Dong replied.

  While they were talking, Li Wanqing came in with a bowl of boiled fruit soup.

   "Ningning, I warmed up this apple, eat it while it's hot."

   "Thank you, Auntie." Shen Ning took it and started to eat slowly.

  The children fell asleep, and the three of them sat together and talked.

  Li Wanqing still respects Aunt Dong very much, and she has no airs at all.

  While they were chatting and laughing, Li Wanqing's cell phone rang.

  She picked it up and saw that it was Ke Ke, Ding Ding and Xiao Xiao who sent her a video.

   She quickly picked it up.

   "Grandma, where have you been these days?" There was little Coco's lovely voice over there.

  Shen Ning's hands drinking the soup trembled, and his son's little voice made him feel uncomfortable.

   It has been several months since I saw Coco, Ding Ding and Xiao Xiao!

   I don’t know how many times I have dreamed of them!

  Her head tilted slightly.

   "Grandma is taking care of an aunt's younger brother and younger sister here." Li Wanqing said kindly, "It's so late, why are you still not sleeping? Where are Aunt Yun and Sister Li? Didn't they let you sleep?"

   "Grandma, I can't sleep, I miss Mommy, and I also miss Grandma." Coco said pitifully over there.

   "Yeah, Mommy ran away and we don't want us anymore." Ding Ding also spoke beside him, sniffing from time to time.

  Shen Ning's heart felt like a knife cut.

  How could she not want them, she wanted to be with them in her dreams, but she couldn't help it!

  Their custody rights have been given to Li Zhenting!

  She lowered her head, her eyes were red.

   "Nonsense, your mommy didn't want you, she didn't run away, she just went to something, and she will be back after a while." Li Wanqing corrected immediately.

   "When will Mommy come back?" Next to him, Xiao Xiao asked feebly.

  Li Wanqing was taken aback, and hurriedly shouted inside: "Xiao Xiao, what's wrong with you?"

  At this moment, the door over there opened.

  Aunt Yun hurried in and saw Li Wanqing's face on the children's mobile phones.

   "Ma'am, Xiaoxiao is sick and has a fever, and Ding Ding is also running a nose." She hurriedly reported over there.

  When Li Wanqing heard this, the smile on her face disappeared.

   "What's going on? Where's Zhenting?" She asked immediately.

   Shen Ning's heart seemed to be torn open, and he almost stood up and rushed over to grab the phone.

  The children are sick, how can she feel at ease as a mother!

"Ma'am, the young master is still working overtime in meetings in the company. Since this afternoon, Xiaoxiao hasn't talked much, just lying on the bed and sleeping. When I finished dinner and went to call her to eat, I saw her blushing and squinting." Calling Mommy, I reached out and touched her hot forehead, and then I took her temperature, it was more than 39 degrees." Aunt Yun was very anxious.

   "Then hurry to the hospital." Li Wanqing shouted, "Where is Housekeeper Luo, tell him to send Xiaoxiao to the hospital immediately, and I will call Zhenting right away."

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