"Grandma, I don't want to go to the hospital, I just want to be with Mommy, Mommy..." Xiaoxiao started crying over there, and finally kept calling Mommy.

  Shen Ning couldn't bear it anymore, tears streaming down his face, he stretched out his head to see the children.

   "Mommy, Mommy is right there." Ke Ke saw Shen Ning in the video with sharp eyes, and shouted excitedly inside.

Hearing this, Ding Ding immediately brought his little head closer, saw Shen Ning who was crying, and shouted excitedly: "Mommy, Mommy, why didn't you tell us that you are with grandma? We are going to you play there."

Xiaoxiao, who was listless at first, heard Ke Ke and Ding Ding's voice calling Mommy, and seemed to have recovered from her illness. She hurriedly got up, snatched the tablet from Ke Ke's hand, hugged the camera and cried loudly: "Mom! Mi, I miss you so much, where are you and grandma, I want to go find you."

  After Shen Ning turned his head and wiped away his tears, he took the mobile phone from Li Wanqing, and asked with a forced smile, "Xiao Xiao, what's wrong with you now? Are you uncomfortable?"

   "Yes, Mommy, I have a headache and I don't want to eat." Xiaoxiao replied in a childish voice, staring at her with bright black eyes, as if she was afraid that she would run away.

   "Then do you have diarrhea and vomiting?" Shen Ning asked gently.

   "No diarrhea, just a little nausea."

   "Did you catch a cold because you didn't cover the quilt at night?"

"I don't know either." Xiaoxiao shook her head in a daze, "Mummy, I had a dream last night. I dreamed that you made barbecue for us to eat. It was delicious, maybe I ate too much. I don’t want to eat anymore when I wake up in the morning, Mommy, I really miss you.”

  The little guy has a milky voice, and his face is full of longing.

   Shen Ning's tears flowed down again.

  Once upon a time, she thought that she would take Xiaoxiao with her for the rest of her life, and Xiaoxiao was definitely her caring little padded jacket.

   "Mum, don't cry. I'm fine. I'll be fine tomorrow. Come back. Brother and I, Ding Ding will protect you and won't let Daddy bully you again." Xiao Xiao begged inside.



  Coco and Ding Ding also yelled inside: "Come back soon, we all miss you, if Daddy dares to bully you again, we will drive him out."

   Shen Ning laughed and cried at the same time.

   "Ning Ning, you are still in confinement, please don't cry, too much crying is bad for your eyes." Li Wanqing immediately took the phone over, handed her a tissue, and comforted her distressedly.

"Okay, your mommy is very tired today, you can't bother her anymore, Keke, Ding Ding, you go to bed early, I'll call your daddy now, and ask him to come back and take Xiaoxiao to the hospital." Li Wanqing ordered After the sound, he hung up the phone and started calling Li Zhenting.

  At that time, Li Zhenting had already received a call from Housekeeper Luo and was rushing home anxiously.

  Xiao Xiao’s mental state has not been very good, and her resistance will be relatively weak.

   During the time when Shen Ning ran away from home, she was the one who suffered the most. After all, girls are more fragile in heart, and she has never left Shen Ning, which is a big blow to her.

  In her mind, Mommy didn't want her anymore, so she was very sad.

   "Xiao Xiao, Daddy will take you to the hospital." As soon as he returned to Li's Castle, he ran upstairs, picked up Xiao Xiao and left.

  Unexpectedly, Xiaoxiao hugged his neck, her eyes were black and bright:

   "Daddy, I saw Mommy."

   Li Zhenting was taken aback.

   Aunt Yun on the side hurriedly added: "Master, today Ke Ke and Ding Ding made a video call for Madam. They all saw Madam in the video. The children are so excited."

  Li Zhenting finally understood, and a hint of surprise welled up in his heart.

  Shen Ning is willing to see the children, isn't she, she will soften her heart and go home with him.

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