"Mommy, Mommy, here we come."

   "Mommy, I miss you so much."

   "Mommy, I'm here to see you."


  Shen Ning was busy folding clothes for the babies, when the chaotic footsteps of the little ones and the eager voice of the little one calling for mommy could be heard from the gate.

  She was overjoyed, and hurriedly put down her clothes, before she had time to get out of bed.

  Coco and Ding Ding have already run in.

   "Mommy." The two little guys scrambled towards her, their foreheads covered with beads of sweat, and their faces flushed.

   "Ke Ke, Ding Ding." Shen Ning got out of bed and immediately opened his arms to welcome the children, hugged them into his arms, and murmured, "Mommy misses you so much, so much."

  She hugged them tightly and kissed their little cheeks one by one. When she looked up, she saw Xiaoxiao standing in front of her, looking at her with bright black eyes.

   "Come on, Xiaoxiao, Mommy hugs." Shen Ning let go of Ke Ke and Ding Ding, and stretched out his arms towards Xiaoxiao.

   "Mummy." Xiaoxiao called out cheerfully, and threw herself into Mummy's arms.

   "Xiao Xiao, tell Mommy quickly, are you better from a cold?" Shen Ning picked her up, hugged her into his arms, kissed her forehead, and asked kindly.

"Mommy, I still have a little cough, but the doctor said it's gone, and the doctor's uncle praised me, saying I'm sensible, and the nurse also said that I'm so brave, and I don't cry when I get an injection." Xiaoxiao shook her head, especially cute.

  Shen Ning smiled, and kissed her little cheek: "My little one is the most obedient, she is Mommy's best and most obedient daughter."

   "Mommy, I love you so much." The little mouth was sweet, and she was so happy lying in Mommy's arms.

"Xiao Xiao, let Daddy come and hug you. Your mommy is still in confinement, but she can't hug you." Li Zhenting then came in and saw Shen Ning interacting with the children intimately. He was very relieved and looked at Shen Ning. Ning struggled to hold Xiaoxiao, and immediately took Xiaoxiao from her arms considerately.

  Xiaoxiao is also very sensible, she doesn't want to be hugged by Daddy, but just breaks free from his embrace and stands beside Keke.

  Maybe it was the noise of the little ones that disturbed the dreams of the two little babies, maybe it was Coco, Ding Ding and Xiaoxiao who snatched their mother's love, and the two little ones could smell it sensitively.


  They all cried loudly.

As soon as Shen Ning saw it, he immediately walked over and picked up his younger sister, patted her on the back and coaxed her softly: "Baby, don't cry, it's your brothers and sisters who are here, they are here to see you, in the future you have Brother and sister, they will love you very much."

   As she spoke, she walked around the house with the baby in her arms, patted her gently, and coaxed her affectionately.

  The little guy felt a sense in his heart, and immediately stopped crying obediently, smacked his little mouth, and moved his little hands happily.

  Shen Ning's face was full of pampering.

   over there

  Li Zhenting also hugged his brother at the same time, coaxing him like Shen Ning.

  The little guy seemed to feel Daddy's love too, so he stopped crying.

  The two of them were only concentrating on coaxing the two little babies, and they didn't pay attention to Coco, Tintin and Xiaoxiao's expression at all.

  They were also looking at Daddy and Mummy seriously, with jealousy gradually appearing in their eyes.

   After a while, they watched as Daddy and Mommy put the two babies to sleep and gently put them in the cradle, their eyes were so gentle that water dripped out, but they didn't pay any attention to them standing beside them.

  The three little ones looked at each other and walked out dejectedly.

   "It's over, it turns out that Mommy doesn't love us a long time ago, she has new babies." Coco was dejected.

"Yes, Mommy hugged us for less than a second, but she won't let go of the new baby, so she spoils them so much." Ding Ding thought about finally seeing Mommy, so she gave them a hug , Even the kiss is so perfunctory, just nodded with the lips, this is simply perfunctory.

   No wonder they haven't seen Mommy for so long. It turns out that she has a new baby and has long forgotten about the three of them.

  Ding Ding and Coco are frustrated!

   "It's not like that, Mommy loves us." But Xiaoxiao can figure it out, maybe because Li Zhenting took precautions in advance, she is really open-minded and thinks differently from them.

   Originally, Li Zhenting thought that Xiaoxiao was a girl, and usually misses Mommy the most. Afraid that she would be narrow-minded, he told her this fact in advance.

   Instead, Keke and Ding Ding, he thought they were already little men, men, how could they be so stingy, so he forgot to tell them.

  Besides, these two brats have been ignoring Shen Ning ever since he left. They only care about playing games and getting into trouble every day, wishing to **** him off to death, so they don't bother to pay attention to them.

  But who knows.

   These two little ones really care about Mommy, and they are also very cautious.

  Now, they are really jealous!

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