"Anyway, I feel that Mommy doesn't love us that much anymore." Ding Ding was angry, and his originally expressionless face was now squeezed into a unwilling emoticon, very cute.

   "Yes, I feel the same way, and Daddy also likes the new baby and doesn't love us anymore. Anyway, we are the worst." Coco nodded in agreement.

   "Hey." Xiao Xiao shook her head, she didn't know how to persuade Ke Ke and Ding Ding.

   "My little grandchildren." At this moment, Li Wanqing walked in with a plate of delicacies. When she saw Ke Ke, Ding Ding and Xiao Xiao, her eyes lit up, and she called out affectionately.

   "Grandma." Ke Ke, Ding Ding and Xiao Xiao looked back, and when they saw Li Wanqing, Nai Yin yelled sweetly and ran towards her.

   It’s okay, there are grandmas who love them.

"Good grandchildren, come, eat fruit, grandma washed it for you." Li Wanqing led them to a small room over there, with a coffee table and sofa, she placed the fruit on it, and brought them milk, After everything was ready, she sat down on the sofa, hugged the three cubs and kept taking turns kissing them, overjoyed.

   After playing with grandma for a while, the little guy obediently sat on the sofa eating fruit and drinking milk.

   After a while, Aunt Dong brought sugar water with a smile, which was specially cooked for them.

  After eating the beautiful sweets, the three little ones forgot about the unhappiness just now, and started playing happily.

  After they ate and drank well, Aunt Dong took them upstairs to the entertainment room.

  The three little ones went crazy when they saw their favorite toy.

  Downstairs, after Shen Ning coaxed the babies to sleep, when he looked up, he saw Li Zhenting still squatting beside the cradle and looking at the children dotingly, and couldn't help being startled.

   Li Zhenting loves children.

  With the help of Li Zhenting these two days, she has indeed saved a lot of worry in taking care of the children, and it is not so hard.

  She couldn't help but think of the child seizure lawsuit.

  A father who loves his children, is it really necessary for her to push him away, and never communicate with each other ever since?

   She felt inexplicably irritable.

   "Ning Ning." At this moment, when Li Zhenting stood up, he saw Shen Ning's brows were tightly frowned, as if he was full of thoughts, he couldn't help feeling distressed, and walked over and hugged her into his arms.

   "Get out." Shen Ning was awakened by the familiar smell, and she pushed him away, her face covered with frost.

"Ning Ning, let's make up, even if it's for the children, I promise I will never let you down again in this life." Li Zhenting rushed up again to hug Shen Ning, but was hit on the head by the pillow thrown by Shen Ning .

  He took the pillow, looked at the woman's icy little face, and thought about it, forget it.

   I can’t eat hot tofu in a hurry, and now that the children are here, I have to bear with it!

   "Ningning, don't be angry, I won't provoke you." He put the pillow on the bedside, picked up the sugar water on the table, and handed it to her with both hands: "Hurry up and drink some papaya syrup, it's warm."

  Shen Ning still had a face full of frost, ignored him, and refused to take sugar water.

"Ning Ning, don't be angry. It's not good to be angry in confinement. I didn't mean to violate you, but I just love you. I really love you from the bottom of my heart. I can't control myself. I swear, next time even if I I miss you so much, and I will not offend you, I will control myself." He raised his right hand above his head and swore to her.

   Shen Ning glared at him and turned around.

   "Yo, my cousin and sister-in-law are so affectionate now." The two were chatting, when suddenly the door opened and a girl walked in.

   Shen Ning looked back, and it turned out to be Li Jiaojiao.

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