Three Little Troublemakers Turned the World Upside Down After My Divorce

Chapter 1188: In order to create a chance encounter with him!

   "Jiaojiao, you are here." Shen Ning immediately smiled and greeted her.

Li Jiaojiao put her arms around her chest and just stared at Li Zhenting: "Cousin, did you kneel down on the washboard to apologize to my cousin? See, my cousin gave birth to two such cute babies for you. You can't let me down any more. Otherwise, I will never forgive you."

   "That's what you need to say!" Li Zhenting's lips twitched: "What are you doing here? Who let you in? You don't even knock when you come in. Are you polite?"

"Cousin, you are very kind. I came to see my little nephews. If you still question me like this, forget it. I don't need to give this red envelope to my nephews." Li Jiaojiao pouted. , expressing his anger, took out two big red envelopes from the bag and held them in his hands.

   Li Zhenting snorted coldly with disdain, how could he have eyes for her red envelope, if she didn't come to extort his money, everything would be fine.

   "Ning Ning." At this moment, another young man's voice came from outside.

   "Qingshan." Shen Ning was taken aback for a moment. Isn't this Ji Qingshan's voice, and hurriedly called out.

   "Ningning, can I come in?" Ji Qingshan asked outside the door.

   "Of course, come in quickly." Shen Ning smiled, and immediately stepped forward to open the door.

  Ji Qingshan walked in with many tonics.

   "Ningning, how is your health? Are you recovering well?" He asked with concern as soon as he came in.

   "It's okay, thank you for your help." Shen Ning smiled.

  When she was in Yuan County, Licheng, if Ji Qingshan hadn’t invited Chen Yuxie to deliver her baby in advance, the result would not have been so good now. She is very grateful to Ji Qingshan, who gave birth twice with his help.

"Thank you, you are my old friend, I promised you a long time ago, you should." Ji Qingshan smiled, inexplicably, he felt that a pair of eyes were looking at him, and when he looked up, he saw Li Jiaojiao was standing aside and staring at him covetously, feeling horrified for a moment.

  No matter where you go, you can see this girl, she really lingers.

  He frowned, but he couldn't say anything in front of Shen Ning, he just put the tonic in his hand aside.

  Aunt Dong immediately brought herbal tea and snacks after she knew there was a visitor at home.

  At this time, Li Zhenting also took the initiative to greet Ji Qingshan, very enthusiastic, after all, he was the one who brought Chen Qianzhen's best medical team there when he was in Yuan County, and it was also thanks to him.

   "Qingshan, where is Dean Chen? I really thanked her for delivering my baby last time. I always wanted to have a meal with her to show my gratitude." Shen Ning looked behind, wondering if Chen Qianqian had followed her.

  Ji Qingshan smiled slightly, and was about to answer.

   "Cough, cough." At this moment, a voice cleared his throat.

  When Shen Ning looked over, he saw Li Jiaojiao was looking at her mobile phone. She seemed to be looking at her mobile phone, but her ears were pricked up, and there was a nervous expression on her face.

  She was slightly taken aback, as if she suddenly understood why Li Jiaojiao came to see her at this time, it turned out that she knew that Ji Qingshan was coming to see her, so she came early to create a chance encounter with him!

   This Li Jiaojiao has fallen in love!

  She suddenly couldn't laugh or cry.

  An eighteen-year-old girl is always full of spring, as if everything is poetic, like a moth to a flame, desperately pursuing what she loves, I hope Ji Qingshan can fall in love with her.

  Love must go both ways to be happy.

   "Dean Chen happens to be free at home today, how about inviting her over for a meal now?" Ji Qingshan seemed to be interested, and immediately answered.

   "Okay, yes." Before Shen Ning could answer, Li Zhenting rushed to agree.

  He also always wanted to thank Chen Qianzhen.

   "Okay, then it's settled." Ji Qingshan was very excited, and immediately took out his mobile phone, "I called her."

"Well, Professor Ji, Ning Ning is still in confinement and can't go out to eat, so I will ask the hotel under the Li Group to send a table of good wine and food. Let's have a good time at home, how about it? Dean Chen? Do you accept it?" Li Zhenting immediately remembered a question and asked immediately.

   "She will definitely accept it, Dean Chen is very easy-going." Ji Qingshan replied with a smile, and dialed the phone.

"Hey, it seems that Ji Mingshou knows women very well. It's just a few times of meeting, and he can understand her thoughts like this. It's really true love. I'm afraid it's because you know people, you know your face, but you don't know your heart." Li Jiao Jiao sneered.

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