"Ke Ke, Ding Ding, Xiao Xiao, when you offered juice to Aunt Chen today, was there mango juice in the juice?" Shen Ning came over and asked softly.

  Ke Ke and Ding Ding were playing checkers, and they didn't know if they heard it clearly, so they answered casually: "No."

   "Really not?" Shen Ning patted their heads and asked seriously.


  Seeing how serious they were playing, Shen Ning remembered Ji Qingshan's words, that's right, even if there is mango juice, the children are so young, they don't understand what evil thoughts they can have.

  She smiled, stood up and prepared to go back to the bedroom.

  At this moment, Xiaoxiao remembered something and replied: "Mum, there should be mango juice."

   "Oh, how did you know? Did you pour it in?" Shen Ning looked at her and asked with a smile.

   "I didn't pour it in, but Aunt Jiaojiao poured it in. I saw it, and she said it tastes good when mixed together." Xiao Xiao said confidently.

  Shen Ning was stunned for a moment, his eyes hurriedly looked at Li Jiaojiao who was sitting beside her, and this look met her dodgy eyes.

  She was stunned, and suddenly remembered something, her eyelids twitched.

   At this time

  The phone in his hand rang again.

  She lowered her head and saw that it was Ji Qingshan calling again, as if she had already expected something, she picked it up frightened.

   "Ningning, may I ask if Li Jiaojiao is still with you?"

  Shen Ning looked at Li Jiaojiao.

  Li Jiaojiao seemed to realize something, and looked at her with a pale face.

   "She's still here."

"Then please ask her to answer the phone." Ji Qingshan has never had Li Jiaojiao's mobile phone number, and deleted her after adding her on WeChat. He thought he would not go to her. Unexpectedly, today is really true I'm going to find her.

  Shen Ning looked at Li Jiaojiao worriedly, and replied: "Okay."

  She walked over and handed the phone to Li Jiaojiao: "Jiaojiao, your call is from Professor Ji."

   "Why is he looking for me? I have nothing to say to him." Li Jiaojiao muttered, not answering the phone at all, but her heart was beating.

  When Shen Ning came to ask Ke Ke and Ding Ding if they had added mango juice to their drinks, she knew that something was wrong. Now that Ji Qingshan came to her, it must be something bad.

   Moreover, thinking of Chen Qianqian's messy clothes on her chest, she felt sick and wanted to vomit, and she didn't even want to talk to Ji Qingshan.

   "He came to you for consultation." Shen Ning replied.

   "I don't know anything, and I have nothing to tell him. Don't give it to me. I won't answer his phone. It's disgusting." Li Jiaojiao replied angrily, not answering the phone.

  Shen Ning had no choice but to turn on the speakerphone.

  At this time, Ji Qingshan's questioning voice came from over there:

   "Li Jiaojiao, let me ask you, did you mix mango juice with grape juice, and then instigated Ke Ke, Ding Ding and Xiao Xiao to take turns to toast President Chen?"

"No." Li Jiaojiao yelled emotionally, "Ji Mingshou, what are you? How dare you ask me like this, your girlfriend has an accident, and you want to rely on me? Do you think I'm good? Bullying? Tell you, I'm not that bad, I don't care about her at all, I don't want to talk to you now, please don't bother me again, I have no interest in dogs and girls, and I never want to see them again You guys, please don't bother me."

   So far, Ji Qingshan has fully deduced that Chen Qianqian's allergies today were caused by Li Jiaojiao on purpose, because she mixed mango juice into grape juice.

  This girl is really poisonous.

  He was livid with anger.

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