Three Little Troublemakers Turned the World Upside Down After My Divorce

Chapter 1197: It's fine to settle this matter privately.

"Li Jiaojiao, it doesn't matter if you don't want to talk to me, it's fine if you don't want to admit it. What happened to Dean Chen today is by no means a trivial matter. Now she is still lying in the hospital. If you have such an attitude, I can only call the police. , hand it over to the police." Ji Qingshan's voice was very cold, "As for whether I have relied on you, the police will find out if they find out that there is something wrong with it, then it is your business. For Ning's sake, I told you in advance to give you a chance, but you don't seem to appreciate it."

  Li Jiaojiao panicked for a moment.

"Death is a beast, you should report to the police, why are you telling me these things? Just because your girlfriend was hurt, are you going to treat me as a vicious witch? It's too much." She still refused to admit defeat. refuted.

   "You...very good, the police will convince you by then, so call the police." Ji Qingshan gritted his teeth and was about to hang up the phone.

  Shen Ning on the side picked up the phone and put it to his ear and walked outside.

   "Qingshan, don't be impulsive, talk about something."

"Ning Ning, you heard it too, Li Jiaojiao's attitude, what do you want me to say?" Ji Qingshan was very angry there, "If it wasn't for your sake, I wouldn't call to ask She should call the police directly."

   "Qingshan, are you sure that Jiaojiao did this?"

   "It must be her. If it wasn't for her, I would dare to write the word Ji upside down."

   "Can you be so sure? Could it be that she gave Dean Chen the mango juice to drink? The toasts were Ke Ke, Ding Ding and Xiao Xiao. They are so young and don't understand anything."

"So, this is the most hateful thing about her. She actually instigated children to do such outrageous things. Moreover, Dean Chen also saw her whispering to the children from time to time. Now that I think about it, she is instigating They did something bad."

  Shen Ning was silent for a while and said: "You mean that Dean Chen knew from the beginning that Li Jiaojiao was harming her?"

  Ji Qingshan was momentarily at a loss for words.

   "No, she doesn't know, she just has some doubts..."

   Suspected from the start? As a doctor, do you suspect that you will drink drinks that are allergic to your body? Do you not cherish your body?

  Women's scheming has always been unfathomable.

  Shen Ning has no doubts that Li Jiaojiao did this. After all, it is obvious that she has a motive for committing the crime.

   And this girl has always been willful, she can do whatever she wants, and she won't restrain herself.

   "Qingshan, how about this, give me some face, just settle this matter privately, Jiaojiao is just a little girl with no heart, don't be so serious."

"Ning Ning, I'm fine, but I don't know if Dean Chen will agree." Ji Qingshan was a little embarrassed there. In fact, he didn't want to make things big, but he was worried that Dean Chen would take the opportunity to clean up Li Jiaojiao.

   "Don't worry, I'll explain this to Dean Chen. Dean Chen is a modern woman and is reasonable. I believe she will agree."

   "Okay, I will leave this matter to you."

  Ji Qingshan finally agreed.

  Shen Ning smiled and hung up the phone.

   "Cousin, don't hit me, I'm sorry, I won't dare next time." As soon as she hung up the phone, Li Jiaojiao's pleading voice came from the living room.

   Followed by Li Zhenting's angry voice:

   "You are really getting more and more courageous. If you dare to do such a thing, is there anything you dare not do? If I forgive you this time, it will be harming you."

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