"Don't hit me, cousin, I was wrong." Li Jiaojiao cried and ran outside.

  Before Shen Ning had time to go up, Li Jiaojiao ran over with a pale face and hid behind her.

  Li Zhenting held a hanger, his face full of anger: "Li Jiaojiao, come here, see if I don't kill you."

  Shen Ning looked at him coldly: "Why are you a big man bullying a girl?"

   Li Zhenting was helpless and angry: "Ning Ning, do you know what she did?"

   "Did what? How did you know?"

"I..." Li Zhenting pointed to his mobile phone: "The hospital called me just now, saying that Dean Chen is seriously ill, and they want to call the police to investigate this matter, because it happened in our home, and Dean Chen took the initiative to report to me. I called and said that she didn't want to make a big deal out of it, and she didn't want to call the police, for fear of affecting our reputation, but she also wanted to know why Li Jiaojiao did this, let me ask her, you said it's all like this, Can I let her go?"

  Shen Ning secretly sighed.

   Sure enough, it was Chen Qianqian who told Li Zhenting.

  Just now, she was on the phone with Ji Qingshan. Ji Qingshan would tell her first about anything, and he would not tell Li Zhenting.

  Chen Qianqian told Li Zhenting so caringly and in a timely manner, on the surface it was for his own good, but in fact she wanted to use Li Zhenting's hand to deal with Li Jiaojiao.

  Of course she didn't want to call the police and make things worse, after all, it wouldn't do her any good. It can only be said that Chen Qianqian also loves Ji Qingshan and wants to win over him.

   "You'll believe what they say over there. Are you going to accuse her like that? How many bad thoughts can she have as a little girl?" Shen Ning tensed her face.

   "No, Ningning, don't cover her up. She has gone too far. No matter how she teaches, she will be involved in killing people in the future. The worst thing is that she still uses Ke Ke, Ding Ding and Xiao Xiao..."

"Forget it, don't talk about it, it's not as serious as you said, she did something wrong, and you hit her with a hanger, then what did you do wrong, who hit you with a hanger? What's more, you did something wrong There are so many things happened, no one is perfect, who can not make mistakes? Now this happened in my house, I have the right to intervene, leave it to me." Shen Ning directly hit him in the face.

  When Li Zhenting heard this, he became languid, his face was ashamed, and he lowered his head, not daring to look into Shen Ning's eyes.

  Shen Ning dragged Li Jiaojiao's hand and walked inside.

   "Jiaojiao, tell me, did you mix mango juice into the juice and let Ke Ke, Ding Ding and Xiao Xiao go to toast Chen Qianqian, just to make her allergic?" In the room, she asked patiently, her tone was calm.

  Li Jiaojiao lowered her head and burst into tears.

"Sister-in-law, I'm sorry, I did it. When I was looking for Keke today, I heard Chen Qianqian on the phone, saying that she was allergic to mango juice. I just poured it in when I saw mango juice when I was eating. I thought I was allergic. It's not a big deal, it's just itchy and uncomfortable at most, how could I know it would be so serious, I didn't think much about it at the time, I just couldn't understand her flirting with Ji Qingshan, seducing Ji Qingshan like a vixen, just wanting to give her It’s just a lesson.” She confessed, sobbing.

"You, you are so naive." Shen Ning held her hand, "Don't be afraid, this matter is not as serious as you imagined, I will help you settle it, but, next time, you must **** Learn from experience, don't do such stupid things again, not only can't teach others, but it will leave others with excuses."

   "Well, yes, thank you cousin." Li Jiaojiao nodded.

   "Jiaojiao, there is one thing I hope you can promise me." Shen Ning suddenly said with a serious face.

  Li Jiaojiao was taken aback, and asked, "What's the matter?"

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