Three Little Troublemakers Turned the World Upside Down After My Divorce

Chapter 1405: Li Zhenting’s strength and loving wife 131

"If you don't come out, I will pick the lock." Ji Qingshan listened to her cry and felt that she could not delay it any longer, so he had to say seriously, with a bit of threat, hoping that she would stand up and walk a few steps to open the bathroom door. .

"Then pick the lock, I really can't leave." Li Jiaojiao felt that she hadn't done enough for him, so she replied weakly.

Ji Qingshan walked around the bathroom door several times, which was very nerve-wracking.

It's late at night now. Let's call the carpenter to come and make repairs. A woman will be in the bathroom of his duty room. Don't call the carpenter to come and repair it. She won't come out. If something happens then, it will really cause trouble. Smells all over.

 After thinking about it for a while, I decided to call the maintenance department.

 Not long after, the carpenter came over.

"Open the door quickly, there is a female patient inside." Ji Qingshan said bluntly first, "She had diarrhea and rushed into my duty room. Get her out quickly."

Li Jiaojiao curled her lips inside.

 What a **** for being so eager to cut ties with her!

You want to be innocent, no way!

 “Okay, let’s open the lock right away.” The carpenter immediately started to work.

Li Jiaojiao suddenly groaned in pain several times inside, pretended to stumble, bumped into the back of the door, and opened the door suddenly.

"Ouch, it hurts." The door was opened. Ji Qingshan and the carpenter were standing at the door, ready to pick the door lock. Suddenly, the door opened from the inside. Li Jiaojiao screamed in pain, her feet became weak, and she walked towards Ji Qingshan rushed over.

Ji Qingshan had no defense at all, and was instantly thrown backward by Li Jiaojiao, who was rushing towards him. When he stepped back, he just happened to kick the carpenter's tool bag again.

 In an instant, he fell down.

At this moment, Li Jiaojiao opened her arms and fell into his arms, her lips pressed against his.

Ji Qingshan’s eyes widened. Li Jiaojiao also widened her eyes.


When Li Jiaojiao saw Ji Qingshan's eyes widened in fear, she suddenly became interested in mischief. She not only kissed his lips fiercely, but also bit his lips tightly.

 Not bad, very sweet, no tobacco smell!

She actually became a little intoxicated for a moment.

"Jiaojiao." At this time, Shen Ning looked around for Li Jiaojiao and saw that the lights were still on in Ji Qingshan's office. He thought she might be here, thinking about the way the two of them looked at each other during the day, Afraid that they would quarrel, he hurried over, but unexpectedly, when he came over, he saw Li Jiaojiao lying in Ji Qingshan's arms. The two of them kissed each other, and they screamed for a while.

 The carpenter next to him was also stunned by this.

“You scumbag, get out of my way.” Ji Qingshan woke up and pushed Li Jiaojiao away fiercely, turned over and sat up, his face flushed, and he wiped his mouth with his hands.

“Ouch, it hurts.” Li Jiaojiao was pushed to the ground by Ji Qingshan and lay beside her wailing.

“Jiaojiao, are you feeling better?” Shen Ning was worried about her and hurriedly ran over to help her up.

"Cousin, my stomach hurts so much. I've had diarrhea all day and all night, but Professor Ji didn't give me medical treatment, and bullied me and locked me in the bathroom. I'm in so much pain." Li Jiaojiao cried bitterly while holding Shen Ning. Tears.

"Don't cry, I'll ask for you." Shen Ning was frightened by Li Jiaojiao's pitiful appearance, and hurriedly patted her shoulder and comforted her with gentle words.

Li Jiaojiao lay in Shen Ning's arms and stuck out her tongue, crying even louder.

"Professor Ji, could you please prescribe some medicine for Jiaojiao? A girl has been having diarrhea for so long, and her intestines will be broken if she continues to have diarrhea." Shen Ning stood up and walked to Ji Qingshan's side and begged.

Ji Qingshan had just washed the lips bitten by Li Jiaojiao's kiss with water, and was still wiping them with a tissue. He was very angry, but when he saw Shen Ning begging him like this, he realized that he should handle the matter properly, otherwise, he would have to deal with it again. It would do him no good to continue the quarrel.

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