Three Little Troublemakers Turned the World Upside Down After My Divorce

Chapter 1406: Li Zhenting’s strength and loving wife 132

"Let her beg me." Ji Qingshan threw away the paper and said with a cold face.

"This is not good." Asking a girl to ask him for medicine looked like begging. Shen Ning's smile was uglier than crying.

Ji Qingshan insisted that she had seen her, and said with a gloomy face: "Ning Ning, you don't know, she scolded me and even scratched my face. Shouldn't you apologize and beg me?"

Shen Ning was stunned for a moment. After looking at Ji Qingshan's face, she realized that his face was scratched to pieces by the wild cat Li Jiaojiao. She couldn't help but feel funny and angry.

“Jiaojiao, please apologize to Dr. Ji and say something nice.” She came over to persuade Li Jiaojiao again.

Li Jiaojiao cried so hard: "Cousin, do you know why I arrested him? He deserves it."

Shen Ning saw that her lips were all white, and felt a little distressed, so she whispered: "A good man doesn't suffer the consequences of the moment, he just talks about it, apologize first and then talk about it."

Ji Qingshan stood there like a mountain and said in a cold voice: "You are not going to apologize, are you? Very good, then I will go to the ward for rounds. Let me tell you, only I can cure your disease. You can do whatever you like, if you like." If it hurts, then let it go."

 After he finished speaking, he turned around and left.

 Shen Ning was anxious and hurriedly pushed Li Jiaojiao.

Li Jiaojiao was in unbearable pain and could only say: "I'm sorry, Professor Ji, it's all my fault. Please help me see a doctor!"

Ji Qingshan deliberately pretended not to hear and continued walking.

Li Jiaojiao said loudly again.

He stopped and turned around slowly, with a victorious smile on his lips.

"For Ningning's sake, I'll prescribe you some medicine. Take it and get out of here." He walked to his desk and turned on the computer. With a few clicks, the prescription list came out of the printer. Putting it on the desk, he turned around and left.

Li Jiaojiao picked up the order and walked out accompanied by Shen Ning.

 This matter has come to an end.

 In the ward.

Shen Ning went down to pay the money, brought the medicine and gave it to the nurse. The nurse quickly started giving Li Jiaojiao injections.

Shen Ning didn't trust her and stayed by her side to accompany her.

But Li Zhenting woke up in the middle of the night, stretched out his hand and touched it. It was empty. Shen Ning was gone. He panicked, got up in a hurry, and started looking for Shen Ning everywhere.

As soon as he came to the corridor, he happened to meet Ji Qingshan and asked him if he had seen Shen Ning.

Ji Qingshan said with a straight face that Shen Ning was in Li Jiaojiao's ward.

Li Zhenting rushed over immediately.

"Jiaojiao, are you feeling better?" After about ten minutes as the bottle was inserted, Li Jiaojiao's stomach pain gradually disappeared and she no longer needed to run to the toilet. Shen Ning sat beside her and asked with concern.

"Well, it's much better." Li Jiaojiao nodded. It was really miraculous. Ji Mingshou really had two brushes this time, and he could cure the disease with one stroke. He couldn't help but admire him in his heart.

“He is indeed a professor, and he lives up to his reputation.” Shen Ning sighed as he watched Li Jiaojiao look better.

“Jiaojiao, are you okay with having diarrhea? At this time, Li Zhenting came over and took a coat in his hand. The autumn night was still a bit chilly.

"Shanshan, Professor Ji just prescribed medicine for her. She is much better now. Professor Ji's medical skills are really amazing." Shen Ning immediately stood up and took Li Zhenting's arm and praised her sincerely. If it wasn't for Professor Ji, how could she have suffered a head injury? It got better so quickly.

"Well, yes." Li Zhenting grabbed her hand, frowned, and said angrily, "Look, your hands are cold. How long have you been here? Put on your clothes quickly."

 As he spoke, he put his coat on her body.

Shen Ning smiled: "I have been worried about Jiaojiao and wanted to come and see if she was okay. I just got up in the middle of the night to go to the toilet, so I came here."

"You are not fully recovered yet. If you catch a cold in the middle of the night and cause a brain wound, it will be too late for you to cry." Li Zhenting put his hands together, picked up Shen Ning, turned around and walked out. When he walked to the door, he turned around and said to Li Jiaojiao: "I'll ask a special nurse to come and take care of you. When you're better, go back as soon as possible. Don't come to the hospital again. There's nothing to stay in the hospital."

 “Okay.” Li Jiaojiao pouted and agreed.

Li Zhenting hugged Shen Ning and left directly.

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