Three Little Troublemakers Turned the World Upside Down After My Divorce

Chapter 1407: Li Zhenting’s strength and loving wife 133

 half a month later.

It started to rain lightly that day. Gradually, the rain became heavier and heavier, bringing the chill of autumn.

"Ning Ning, put on your coat quickly." Li Zhenting did not go to work today and stayed with Shen Ning. When Shen Ning came out of the bathroom, he forced her to put on her autumn coat.

"Hi, Beibei." The two little guys were lying in the cradle and chatting excitedly. Shen Ning squatted beside them and looked at them lovingly.

 The two little guys smiled directly at her.

Li Zhenting was smiling, squatting next to Shen Ning dotingly, teasing Xixi and Beibei with her.

 After a while, the two little guys became impatient and began to cry with their lips curled up.

Shen Ning was heartbroken and rushed to hug them.

"I'll come." Li Zhenting took the two little guys into his arms with one big hand.

"Don't cry, daddy will take you on the swing." He walked around the ward with the two little guys in his arms. From time to time he would lift them up with his hands and swing them up half an arc before taking them back. The two little guys were very novel. Grinning with joy.

Shen Ning stood beside her and smiled with her lips pursed.

 After playing for a while, the two little guys got tired. Shen Ning fed them milk powder and fell asleep.

"Ning Ning, can you recall some things from the past now?" Li Zhenting and Shen Ning stood on the balcony and looked at the drizzly sky, asking affectionately.

"I still can't remember." Shen Ning shook his head in disappointment.

"It doesn't matter, think about it slowly, you will remember it one day." Li Zhenting stroked her head to comfort her.

"Shanshan, can you tell me something about what happened to me in the past?" Shen Ning took Li Zhenting's arm and asked with a raised face.

Li Zhenting lowered his eyes and looked at her, silent.

"Shanshan, I really want to know some things from the past. Maybe, after you tell me, I can slowly remember some of them." Shen Ning shook his arm, acting coquettishly.

   “Do you really want to know?”     “Hmm.”

"Then can you accept it? You have to do some ideological work." Li Zhenting was silent for a while and then woke up.

"Don't worry, I'm very strong, I can definitely accept it." Shen Ning nodded affirmatively.

Li Zhenting looked up at the gray sky, his little tearful and sad eyes flashed in his mind. He had promised the children that he would let her meet mommy after a while. These things must not be hidden. Children’s mental health is also not good.

 Now Shen Ning wants to know, then tell her.

“Ning Ning, listen carefully, let me tell you, you have three children, their names are Coco, Ding Ding and Xiao Xiao.” After a while, he spoke solemnly.

 Shen Ning was stunned.

"I still have three children? How could I have given birth to so many children?" After a while, she said in great surprise.

"Yes, you gave birth to two babies in total, one with three babies, and one with a dragon and a phoenix, a total of five children. Can you accept it?" Li Zhenting looked serious.


"Of course it's true. You told me that you could accept it, right?" Li Zhenting looked at her nervously.

"Well, I can, but where are they?" After a while, Shen Ning digested the fact and asked anxiously.

“They are in kindergarten and go back to their grandparents’ house after school in the afternoon. They ask about your condition every day and are very concerned about you, especially Xiaoxiao. They even cry thinking about you.

Shen Ning's heart felt a dull pain as if she heard the cries of the little ones.

 “I’m going to find them.” She turned around and ran away.

"Ning Ning." Li Zhenting held her back, "Don't worry, the children are in kindergarten and you won't see them if you go."

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