Three Little Troublemakers Turned the World Upside Down After My Divorce

Chapter 1408: Li Zhenting’s strength and loving wife 134

Shen Ning was stunned for a moment.

 Suddenly a very serious question came to mind, and he raised his head and asked: "Shanshan, you said I gave birth to Coco, Ding Ding and Xiao Xiao, so who are their fathers?"

Li Zhenting was startled for a moment, then asked with a smile: "Who do you think it could be?"

"Shanshan, don't laugh, tell me quickly." The sudden appearance of the three children made her heart beat wildly. She was worried about what other men she had had with Shanshan before she lost her memory. She didn't want to be with Shanshan. There is no stain on love.

Li Zhenting hugged her into his arms and replied gently: "Little fool, of course I am the father of the three children. We have five children, do you understand?"

Shen Ning felt relieved.

 Fortunately, their love has always been beautiful and pure!

"Great, I can completely accept them. I want to go see them later." She leaned against his chest and smiled.

"Okay, the kids miss their mommy too." Li Zhenting readily agreed. Seeing that Shen Ning didn't reject his kids, he was very happy and relieved.

 The two of them leaned together and exchanged many affectionate words before returning to the ward.


Shen Ning was packing her things to go to kindergarten with Li Zhenting to pick up Coco, while Ding Ding and Xiao Xiao went home.


The door of the room was dark.

Li Zhenting was seen striding in with fresh roses in his hands and a smile on his face.

“Shanshan, where did the roses come from? What makes you so happy? Shen Ning couldn’t help but ask curiously.

"Ning Ning, of course the rose is for you. Congratulations, you can be discharged from the hospital." Li Zhenting put the rose in front of her and said happily.

“Can I be discharged from the hospital?” Shen Ning blinked and asked excitedly.

“Well, Professor Ji said that your head trauma is no longer a problem and you can be discharged from the hospital.”

"Oh." Shen Ning nodded, took the flowers, put them under his nose and smelled them, "It smells so good."


 “Well, happy.”

“By the way, Shanshan, did Professor Ji say when I can recover my memory?” Shen Ning asked.

"No." Li Zhenting shook his head, "He said that you can only restore your memory slowly. He asked me to take you to more familiar places in the future to slowly restore your memory. He will prescribe some medicine for you. Going back."

"Okay." "You guys pack your things quickly. We will be discharged from the hospital soon. The procedures have been completed." Li Zhenting ordered the two special nurses.

“Okay.” The two special guards agreed and immediately started cleaning up.

after an hour.

Li Zhenting was carrying large and small bags, and Lengxue also came to help.

 Shen Ning and Special Protector each held a child, while the other Special Protector carried the children's belongings.

The group of people walked outside happily.


 The rain has stopped, the sun has come out, and the autumn air is crisp.

 The Rolls-Royce is parked at the gate.

 Lengxue put away his things in advance and opened the car door.

"Ning Ning, be careful." After Li Zhenting put down his things, he immediately came over to help Shen Ning get into the car, and two special guards followed.

Soon, the car drove towards the street.

In the corner downstairs of the hospital, a woman who looked exactly like Shen Ning was hiding there, jealously looking at Shen Ning who was loved and cared for by Li Zhenting, with a dark light of jealousy in her eyes.

 Shen Ning, you are so lucky!

 Li Zhenting now regards you as a treasure in his hand, how can you be so happy?

"Meimei, why did you come here?" Lan Feiyun and Shen Mei came to the hotel for dinner. Unexpectedly, they didn't see Shen Mei after a while. She was worried that her identity would be exposed, so she immediately looked everywhere. After a while, she finally Found here and saw her.

"Mom, all Li Zhenting's thoughts are on Shen Ning and the children she gave birth to. He is indifferent to Lanlan. When Lanlan and Xiaoxiao have conflicts, he only criticizes Lanlan. Lanlan always complains to Lanlan. I cried several times." Shen Mei's face was dark and her eyes were full of jealousy.

 A few days ago, because Lanlan was reading Xiaoxiao's novel, her mother was pushed from the back mountain and fell to her death on the cliff, causing Xiaoxiao to cry bitterly.

Later, Sister Wang told Li Zhenting about the incident, and Li Zhenting immediately criticized Lan Lan, punished her to write a reflection, and sent Lan Lan back to the Li family castle that night.

Lan Lan was so angry that she told Shen Mei about the incident and cried sadly on the phone.

 Shen Mei felt sorry for her daughter, so she was jealous and hated Shen Ning.

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