Three Little Troublemakers Turned the World Upside Down After My Divorce

Chapter 1409: Li Zhenting’s strength and loving wife 135

"Mom, if Shen Ning doesn't leave, Lan Lan will not be happy. The Li family's property has nothing to do with Lan Lan. Li Zhenting will listen to Shen Ning in everything now. I must fight for Lan Lan's happiness." Shen Mei said unwillingly. Open your mouth.

"Why are you anxious? Haven't you become Shen Ning now? What are you worried about? What else can't be done like this? Leave quickly, don't be discovered, otherwise the target will be leaked before the matter begins. ." Lan Feiyun grabbed Shen Mei and walked towards the hotel.

 At the entrance of Blue Whale Kindergarten.

“Shanshan, are those Keke, Dingding and Xiaoxiao?” Shen Ning asked anxiously while sitting in the passenger cab looking at the three cute little guys standing side by side at the gate.

Since he was discharged from the hospital and returned home, there were many things to do, and the two little guys were noisy, which delayed some time. When Li Zhenting rushed over with Shen Ning, the three little guys were already standing outside the door waiting.

"Yes, it's them. From left to right, they are Keke, Dingding and Xiaoxiao." Li Zhenting explained.

“I actually have three children of this age.” Shen Ning’s fingers were twisted into a ball, and she felt excited and complicated. She really didn’t know what else she had experienced in the past.

"Yes, I didn't expect it." Li Zhenting glanced at her with a smile, and the car slowly stopped.

“Daddy.” As soon as the three little guys saw Daddy’s car, they immediately ran towards him.

“Hurry down and greet them.” Li Zhenting smiled at Shen Ning.

Shen Ning immediately opened the car door and walked out.

"Mommy." The three little guys originally only expected to see Li Zhenting, but they didn't expect to see the mommy they had dreamed of. They were all so surprised that they ran towards her cheering.

 It wasn't until the three little guys called out "Mommy" and all rushed to hug her thighs and throw themselves into her arms that Shen Ning was convinced that she really had given birth to three more children.

They were so close, so natural. Shen Ning felt strong affection just after seeing them. The feeling was exactly the same as seeing Xixi and Beibei, and even closer than them. After all, she had spent more time with them in the past.

Moreover, Ke Ke and Ding Ding have faces that are exactly the same as Li Zhenting’s, and their small faces are very much like her own. Does she still have to doubt anything? "Mommy, have you recovered from your illness?" Xiaoxiao sat in Shen Ning's arms in the car and asked with concern, her eyes were red. She missed her mommy so much during this period, especially when Lan Lan said that her mommy was raped by a bad person. She was pushed down the back hill and fell to death. Her heart was shattered. Now she finally saw her mommy. She was really relieved.

“Okay, little boy.” Shen Ning replied immediately with a smile.

 “Mommy, I love you so much.” Xiaoxiao lay in her arms, very happy.

 Shen Ning kissed her little face.

 The car was filled with warmth and the family was very happy.


Coco, Ding Ding and Xiao Xiao had to sleep on Shen Ning's big bed. Considering that the children had not been with their mother for too long, Li Zhenting agreed.

There were so many guest rooms and even his own large bedroom, but he didn't want to leave Shen Ning and the children, so he opened an iron frame bed next to it and slept next to it to keep them company.

From time to time Coco and Ding Ding would climb up from Shen Ning's bed to his iron frame bed and have fun. Xiao Xiao would help take care of his younger siblings, and sometimes he would come over and get into trouble with Coco and Ding Ding, which was very lively.

Li Zhenting looked at all this with satisfaction and felt so happy.

Next, Shen Ning tried her best to adjust herself to the life of the Li family. In her subconscious, she was already a member of the Li family. She visited the old man and the old lady every morning, and then took the children for a walk in the garden. Sometimes I accompany Li Zhenting to pick up and drop off the children. Everything goes according to plan and is very comfortable.

No one in the old man's villa dared to talk about the past behind his back. Li Zhenting loved Shen Ning very much and made time to spend with her and the children every day.

 The rosiness on Shen Ning's face became more and more rosy.

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