Three Little Troublemakers Turned the World Upside Down After My Divorce

Chapter 1414: Li Zhenting’s strength and loving wife 140

"Shanshan, don't abandon me, I'm afraid." Shen Ning whimpered in his arms, like a helpless child, holding his neck tightly with her hands.

Li Zhenting put her on his big bed, but she refused to let go.

 He could only sleep on his side on the bed and hold her in his arms.

“Ning Ning, Ning Ning.” He called her name softly.

"Shanshan, Shanshan, I love you, please don't leave me." Shen Ning closed her eyes tightly and cried, her face thrust into his arms.

"Ning Ning, I love you too." Li Zhenting's mood was agitated. The woman's body was troubling his nerves because she was not quiet all the time. The buttons of her pajamas on her chest were unbuttoned, and the scenery inside was unobstructed.

Li Zhenting suddenly held her face in his hands and kissed her fiercely with his fiery lips... As if sensing the deep love, Shen Ning also actively cooperated with him...

 The two of them were like dry wood meeting a fierce fire, and the room was filled with passion and charm.

 At last I don’t know when, they fell asleep.

In the early morning, the window screen blocked all the morning light.

When Shen Ning opened her eyes, she saw herself sleeping in a man's arms. The man's strong chest, strong heartbeat, and bare upper body...

 Her eyes widened.

She and Shanshan were naked and hugging each other tightly. That night... their faces instantly turned red, reaching the roots of their ears and neck.

 She remembered that she had had a night of **** dreams last night, and now it seemed that they were all true.

 She pushed him away violently and sat up.

"Ning Ning." Li Zhenting was woken up by her push and took her arm, "It's still early, let's sleep a little longer."

"You..." Shen Ning suddenly beat his chest and started crying.

“Stop crying, Ning Ning, tell me, how can you be happy?”

"Why did you touch me?" Shen Ning asked sobbing.

 “Because of love.” Li Zhenting was silent for a while and then replied. “But you love me, why don’t you marry me?”

"I said, we will get married on the 8th of next month. I never said I wouldn't marry you." Li Zhenting replied firmly again.

Shen Ning looked at him without saying anything.

Li Zhenting pulled her into his arms and suddenly asked: "Ning Ning, let me ask you now, are you willing to marry me? If you regain your memory in the future, will you hate me for forcing you to marry me when you lose your memory? marry?"

 Shen Ning looked at him blankly.

 “Say, do you love me?” He pressed again and again.

Even though he heard her saying she loved him again and again in her dream last night, it was just a dream after all. He wanted her to tell him in person when she was awake.

Shen Ning still didn't speak.

"Ning Ning, if you don't love me, or don't want to marry me, then don't worry, I won't make things difficult for you. I will give you the custody of my five children, and then I will be responsible for all living expenses, and you can just make arrangements for them. Stay with the children peacefully, I will not disturb you again." Li Zhenting added.

Before she lost her memory, she went to Lawyer Niu over and over again because she was reluctant to leave her children and didn't want to leave them.

 He is a man and would rather endure hardship himself than make the woman he loves suffer.

"No, no, I love you, I want to be with you, you can't leave me and the children." Shen Ning suddenly hugged him and cried bitterly, "If I don't have you, I can't live."

The pain of losing him was something she couldn't bear. In this life, she didn't know how to live without love. She didn't care about anything, she just wanted to be with the man she loved. Her children couldn't live without it. Daddy.

 No matter what happened before, as long as he loves her, that's enough!

"Okay, I understand. Thank you, Ning Ning. I love you too. Don't worry, I won't leave you. We will get married soon." Li Zhenting was so excited that he held Shen Ning's face with his hands and kissed her softly. .

Shen Ning kissed him back.

The two embraced each other passionately in this poetic and hazy morning, and once again gave themselves to each other.


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