Three Little Troublemakers Turned the World Upside Down After My Divorce

Chapter 1415: Li Zhenting’s strength and loving wife 141

 In the study.

“Zhen Ting, have you made your decision?” Li Wanqing asked solemnly.

 This time, Li Jinchang is also here.

"Yes, grandpa's illness has become very serious. I decided to marry Ning Ning immediately." Li Zhenting answered firmly and solemnly.

"Zhen Ting, this is a major event in life. You must not only be responsible for yourself but also for Shen Ning. After all, it has been so uneventful for you to get to this point. There are also children. You must take care of all aspects. If you are not careful, you may I'm afraid it will be endless trouble." Li Jinchang thought for a moment and replied.

"Dad, Mom, I have made a decision, and I have made it after careful consideration. I am a man, and I must give Ningning and the child a happy home. This is my responsibility. If anything happens in the future, I will bear it alone. It has nothing to do with others. If Ning Ning blames me in the future, I will bear everything and have no regrets." Li Zhenting replied firmly.

Li Wanqing sighed: "Zhen Ting, you are an adult now, we can only give you opinions, you can make your own decision."

"Okay, then it's settled." Li Zhenting said, turned around and left.

Li Wanqing and Li Jinchang looked at each other. Although they felt that it was not a good thing to do things too hastily, their son was older and they could not change his mind. What else could they do but obey.

 After Li Zhenting came out of the study, he went directly to the old man's bedroom.

 The old man and the old lady were sitting on the balcony holding hands and basking in the sun.

Li Zhenting stood at the door, looking at the backs of the two old people hugging each other, and felt a lot in that moment.

Grandpa and grandma have been in love all their lives, and it is also a blessing to be able to be so dependent on each other when they are old.

His relationship with Shen Ning should come to an end. He must give Shen Ning some protection. This is his responsibility as a man.

 “Grandpa, grandma.” After a while, he walked in.

“Zhen Ting.” The two old men saw their favorite grandson with smiles on their faces.

“Grandpa, grandma, I have good news to tell you.” Li Zhenting knelt down in front of them.

 “What’s the news?” The old lady smiled.

"Grandpa, grandma, I am planning to marry Shen Ning. The date has been brought forward and it will be next Saturday." Li Zhenting said. He thought his grandparents would be very happy. After all, they had long been looking forward to his family's reunion. Telling them also wanted to make them happy.

“Okay, okay, my grandparents will definitely attend.” Sure enough, the old man was very happy.

 “Thank you, grandpa and grandma.” Li Zhenting held the hands of the two old people, with mixed feelings in his heart.

  Shen Ning was surrounded by Li Zhenting's love last night, and she felt much more stable when she got up today.

 After Housekeeper Luo sent Coco, Ding Ding and Xiao Xiao to kindergarten, she prepared to take Xi Xi and Beibei for a walk in the garden as usual.

As soon as he walked downstairs, he saw Li Zhenting standing at the gate making a phone call.

 She pushed the two little guys over.

"Ning Ning." Li Zhenting immediately put down the phone when he saw Shen Ning coming over.

“Shanshan, didn’t you go to work?”

"No." Li Zhenting smiled, took the cart from Shen Ning, and said, "Let's go for a walk in the garden together."


Li Zhenting pushed the trolley, Shen Ning followed beside him, and two special nurses followed with the children's daily necessities.

"Ning Ning, don't go out of the front and back doors when walking in the garden from now on, just walk inside." Li Zhenting warned seriously.

The back door is connected to the back mountain, which is not a good place. After leaving the front door, it is easy to meet people from other rooms in the Li family's old house. There are not many things going on, and grandpa's villa is definitely safe.

 “Yes, I understand.” Shen Ning replied obediently.

"Also, don't believe anyone else except me. You have to believe that I love you, understand?" Li Zhenting looked back at her and warned her lovingly.

 “I understand, I understand.”

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