Three Little Troublemakers Turned the World Upside Down After My Divorce

Chapter 1416: Li Zhenting’s strength and loving wife 142

"Ning Ning, we will get married next Saturday. I have already told my grandparents and parents. Do you think this is okay?" After the two walked away for a while, Li Zhenting carefully asked her opinion with a solemn expression.

Shen Ning stopped and looked up at him.

The man's dark eyes are as deep as the sea, and his deep eyes are covered with a layer of golden light like quicksand, which is breathtaking and quiet.

Her heart also beat.

"Ning Ning, answer me." Li Zhenting's breath was a little heavy, worried that she would regret it.

"Okay, Shanshan, I love you, and I will listen to you in everything you say." Shen Ning couldn't restrain her inner excitement and nodded heavily.

His Shanshan doesn’t want to marry her, but he takes the initiative. He loves her and is a responsible man, so she really shouldn’t believe what others say.

"Ning Ning, I love you too." Li Zhenting laughed and hugged her into his arms.

The two of them stood against the warm sun. In autumn, when the sky was high and the clouds were clear, everything was vast and far-reaching.

At this moment, they both heard each other's heartbeat and felt each other's love. All the obstacles between them disappeared, only happiness and love!

 The next day.

 Get up early in the morning.

Shen Ning gave it to Coco, and Ding Ding and Xiao Xiao took them downstairs after getting dressed.

"Ning Ning, have you brought your ID?" Li Zhenting came up to him and asked affectionately.

 “Bring it.” Shen Ning picked up the small bag in his hand.

“Okay, after sending the children off we will go to the Civil Affairs Bureau to get the certificate.” Li Zhenting smiled.

 A blush appeared on Shen Ning's face.

"Congratulations, young master, young mistress." Butler Luo happened to come over, very happy, and immediately congratulated them.

 The young master and the young master finally have the day to be reunited! Very good!

 “Thank you.” Shen Ning smiled and thanked him.

“Yeah, mommy and daddy are finally getting married. It’s great.” The three little guys jumped up with joy, and their faces were all flushed with happiness.

Shen Ning looked at the children who were smiling happily and was sure that she was very happy at this moment.

“Let’s go.” Li Zhenting took her hand and the two of them walked towards the car.

 At the entrance of the Civil Affairs Bureau.

Shen Ning stood at the foot of the steps and looked at a man and woman walking out holding hands and smiling. Happiness filled the air.

 The high steps, the majestic door... For a moment, she had a similar feeling in her mind. "Ning Ning, come on up, it's our turn soon." Li Zhenting parked the car and walked over and took her arm affectionately.

"Okay." Shen Ning looked back and smiled, but her expression was a little dazed.

Li Zhenting held her arm, and the two of them stepped onto the steps together.

  Half an hour later.

 Two people walked out of it, each holding a red notebook in his hand.

"Ning Ning, we are finally a couple in the legal sense now. We will never be separated again in this life. We must be in love till the end of our lives." Li Zhenting handed the red book in his hand to Shen Ning's hand, "This is for you Just take it and keep it together."

 “Okay.” Shen Ning smiled, took the red notebook in his hand, and stroked it.

 The red book still exudes the fragrance of the seal.

Li Zhenting lowered his head and kissed her forehead, then held her waist and walked towards the parking lot.

As he was approaching the parking lot, Li Zhenting's cell phone rang suddenly.

Li Zhenting let go of her and reached for the phone.

At that moment, Shen Ning felt an inexplicable emptiness and fear in her heart, as if some bad feeling suddenly emerged at that moment, and her face turned pale.

 She stood blankly.

"I won't be going to work this week. The company's affairs will be handled by Lengxue for the time being. Please help me." After Li Zhenting answered the phone, he didn't know what was said, but he quickly ordered this.

 A gust of wind blew, and Shen Ning felt a little chill all over.

"Ning Ning, what's wrong with you? Why do you look so ugly?" At this time, Li Zhenting had already put down his phone and looked at her with concern.

 Her face looked very good just now!

"Shanshan, I..." Shen Ning looked at his face and hesitated.

Li Zhenting looked at her lovingly. Suddenly, he seemed to remember something and understood the reason why Shen Ning looked so bad. His heart sank, and a wave of self-blame and guilt surged into his heart.

Last time, they got their marriage certificate here, and he got a call from Xiaofeng, and then walked away regardless, leaving her alone here. Now that he thinks about it, he is really a bastard!

That time must have cast a huge shadow on her soul. Now in this same situation, the bad feeling hidden deep in her heart must have come up.

"Ning Ning." He called softly, bent down and picked her up, put her in his arms, and walked towards their car.

Next to the Rolls-Royce, he leaned her into his arms, stretched out one hand to open the door, then picked her up, put her into the passenger seat, walked around to the cab, and started the car.

It wasn't until the car had driven a long way that Shen Ning's suffocating and restless heart calmed down and her breathing became slightly easier.

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