"No problem." Unexpectedly, Li Zhenting agreed immediately, "As long as you can guarantee that Shen Ning can successfully complete the wedding, I can give it to you immediately and sign the contract immediately. In the future, if you can restore Shen Ning's memory, I will also I can give you a bigger reward.”

"Really." Ji Qingshan narrowed his eyes and said, "That's okay. Since you are so sincere, I agree."

He thought that based on his concern for Shen Ning, even if Li Zhenting didn't agree to this, he would still stay.

When Li Jiaojiao walked out of the bedroom, she saw her secretary looking for Ji Qingshan to sign a contract. When she inquired about it, she found out that Li Zhenting had given him the best villa in the south of the city, and she shed tears for a moment.

 The villas in the south of the city are still the best, and are said to cost as much as 800 million.

My cousin actually gave the villa to this beast like this. Why can't he give it to her?

"Ji Mingshou, you are really shady. You just gave my cousin sister-in-law a medical check-up and then you slandered my cousin's best villa. You must be very shady." Li Jiaojiao stood beside Ji Mingshou. There was a strange atmosphere in front of Qingshan.

Looking at this man's appearance of talent and arrogance, it turns out that he is just a fake face.

"What do you want? Li Zhenting gave this to me voluntarily. Capitalists' money comes from exploitation. I treat his wife and I deserve the reward." Ji Qingshan glanced at her coolly and spoke arrogantly.

"You charge so much for medical treatment. This is called disturbing the market rules and extortion. I'm going to sue you." Li Jiaojiao gritted her teeth as she saw Ji Qingshan talking so boldly and signing without any shame.

what to do? She already dislikes this beast more and more!

"Professor Ji, your place of residence has been arranged." At this time, Li Zhenting came out and said, then looked at Li Jiaojiao and asked nervously: "Jiaojiao, how is Ningning?"

Li Jiaojiao immediately had a flattering smile on her face: "Cousin, don't worry, my cousin trusts me the most. I have explained Lan Lan's ins and outs clearly to her, and she has accepted it."

"Really? Does she still have a headache?" Li Zhenting had disbelief on his face.

"Of course not, don't worry, having me here is much better than some barking beasts. At least I won't hack your villa, at most I will just get some small money to spend." Li Jiaojiao glared at Ji Qingshan.

At this time, Ji Qingshan had completed the formalities and met Li Jiaojiao's murderous eyes. He slightly curled his lips and said, "Mr. Li, the formalities have been completed. Thank you for the villa. I will try my best to take good care of Shen Ning's illness."

 “Okay, thank you, Professor Ji.” Li Zhenting thanked him repeatedly.

Ji Qingshan didn't reply and walked forward. Li Zhenting turned around and walked towards Shen Ning's bedroom.

"Ji Mingshou, don't be complacent. If you eat something that's not yours, you'll vomit it out." Li Jiaojiao still felt sorry for the 800 million villa and cursed angrily.

“Tsk.” Ji Qingshan snorted coldly, stopped, and turned around: “I think you are jealous. No matter how much you flatter me, you just can’t get it, because you don’t have that value.”

"You..." Li Jiaojiao stretched out her fist, her eyes filled with anger.

"What? You dare to hit me?" Ji Qingshan looked at her with disdain, suddenly came closer and whispered, "Do you want to have diarrhea again?"

 In an instant, Li Jiaojiao's eyes widened.

Ji Qingshan smiled sinisterly and walked away.

“Damn you bastard.” Li Jiaojiao suddenly understood something and gritted her teeth and cursed.

This dead barking beast looked so weird just now, could it be...

That time she had diarrhea in the hospital. She had diarrhea for a day and a night, and she almost collapsed. Originally, she thought there was nothing wrong.

 But now when I heard what he said, I suddenly felt that the problem was very serious!

That day, she just had ordinary diarrhea, but the doctors at the hospital couldn't cure it. However, she was cured soon after taking the medicine Ji Qingshan prescribed for her.

 In this case, it was him who caused her diarrhea. As for when it happened, she couldn't tell.

“You bastard, you dare to cause me diarrhea, let’s see how I kill you.” Li Jiaojiao felt a breath of bad breath stuck in her chest and clenched her fists, vowing to make sure Ji Qingshan died.

 At this age, no one has ever dared to harm her like this. He is really brave!

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