In the bedroom.

When Li Zhenting walked in, Shen Ning sat motionless with his hands on his knees, alone and pitiful.

 He felt inexplicably sad.

"Ning Ning, I didn't mean to hide Lan Lan from you, but I forgot to tell you. Too many things happened during this period, and I really didn't have time to tell you about her situation." Li Zhenting He walked closer to her and stroked her hair with his fingers, "That happened several years ago. Please believe me, I have never had another woman except you in my life."

Shen Ning breathed out slowly and slowly raised her eyes, her eyes dim.

"Shanshan, Jiaojiao told me, I don't blame you, and I am willing to marry you. This is my own choice. I have to go on even if I am blind." She whispered, tears streaming down her face again. come out.

"Ning Ning, don't worry, I will never let you down." Li Zhenting hugged her into his arms, feeling very relieved.

She was able to accept the stain of his past so quickly, which was beyond his expectation. He was already pleasantly surprised, and he vowed to protect her throughout his life.

"Shanshan, because I love you. If you love someone, you have to accept everything about him, including the bad aspects. As long as you are good to me and the children in the future." Shen Ning snuggled into his arms and said this , the tears still couldn’t stop flowing out.

"Ning Ning, I will definitely be good to you and the children. You are my dearest people in the world." Li Zhenting's hot lips fell and he began to kiss her face, eyebrows and tears.

Shen Ning closed her eyes tightly, enjoying his strong love.

 After they were affectionate for a while, Li Zhenting took her hand and went downstairs.

 Because the designer is here and wants to consult Shen Ning for her opinion on the layout of the wedding room.

“Master, Miss Lan Lan has been crying and yelling in the study, and now she suddenly stopped crying. I wonder if something happened?” As soon as they came down, the nanny responsible for taking care of Lan Lan reported to him immediately.

"Don't worry about her, let her reflect on it. It's outrageous." Li Zhenting frowned, showing no intention of letting her go.

Lanlan is really too spoiled. No matter where she appears, she will get into trouble. She must be taught a lesson.

"But..." The nanny looked at the study and hesitated. After all, the little girl was still young and she had been alone in the study for such a long time. If something happened and she would be in trouble, she had the responsibility to remind her.

"Shanshan, don't blame Lanlan. She's still young. Let her go quickly." Shen Ning thought about how anxious a mother would be if her child was punished by her father when she was so young. She couldn't watch the little girl suffer. , immediately interceded with Li Zhenting.

Li Zhenting sighed.

 When Shen Ning came forward, he would of course be obedient.

 But Shen Ning doesn't remember Lan Lan, and forgets the little girl's bad nature. He is afraid that she will not change her bad nature, which will not be a good thing.

Li Zhenting now gets a headache whenever he thinks of Lan Lan. This little girl looks so much like Shen Mei.

 The study door was opened.

 “Lan Lan.” Shen Ning walked in.

Lan Lan was squatting in the corner, her head shrunk, motionless.

"Lanlan, Lanlan." Shen Ning's heart shrank. Something must have happened to this little girl. She immediately walked over and bent down to see her.

 The little girl was seen with her head hanging down, as if she was asleep.

 She called her twice more.

Lan Lan woke up suddenly and raised her head.

Shen Ning saw the little guy's face was covered with tears, his eyes were sleepy, and he looked pitiful.

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