Shen Ning's heart felt inexplicably sour.

“Lan Lan, get up quickly, I’ll take you to eat delicious food.” She said kindly.

"Wow." Lan Lan suddenly cried loudly, her whole body shaking with tears, her face was covered with tears, and she shrank back in fear. That pitiful look made Shen Ning even more sad.

“Lanlan, Auntie, hold her.” She stretched out her hand to hug her.

Ke Lanlan cried out in fear: "Auntie, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have contradicted you, I shouldn't have said that. I'm sorry, I won't dare to do it again next time. Please ask daddy to let me out."

She cried and shouted loudly, and her cries filled the whole study.

"Okay, Auntie, I'll carry you out." Shen Ning agreed immediately and bent down to hug her.

"Ning Ning, let me come." Li Zhenting, who was following closely at this moment, bent down to hug Lanlan before her.

Because Shen Ning was in front and Li Zhenting was behind, Lan Lan only saw Shen Ning but not Li Zhenting who was following closely behind.

Li Zhenting had been looking at her lightly from behind, frowning. He didn't want to answer her, but when he saw Shen Ning going to hug her, he was worried that Shen Ning would be hurt, so he stretched out his hand.

Lanlan didn't expect that Li Zhenting was behind her, so she shrank back for a moment, her eyes filled with fear.

Li Zhenting picked her up.

"Daddy." She was hugged by Li Zhenting and immediately buried her face in his chest, holding his neck tightly with both hands, never wanting to let go.

Li Zhenting walked out with a sullen expression, hugging Lan Lan.

 “Lan Lan, stand still.” He put Lan Lan in front of the sofa and asked her to stand up.

Lan Lan refused to let go of his neck and leaned on him for a long time before she was let go.

 She stood on the ground with her little face raised, looking pitiful.

"Zhen Ting, don't be so cruel to your child." Shen Ning couldn't stand it anymore and immediately whispered to Li Zhenting. But Li Zhenting was unmoved and asked seriously: "Lan Lan, do you know you are wrong?"

 “Daddy, I was wrong.”

 “What’s wrong?”

 “I shouldn’t contradict auntie.” Lan Lan was very well-behaved.

"Is it just this?" Li Zhenting said in a stern tone, "Last time at my great-grandfather and great-aunt's place, you talked nonsense. I already taught you a lesson at that time and told you that what you said was not the truth. I told you not to speak nonsense in the future. But You are talking nonsense again today, do you know how to correct your mistakes?"

Lanlan was so scared that she clasped her little hands together and cried loudly: "Daddy, I was wrong, please forgive me."

"You say you were wrong every time, but you never corrected it." Li Zhenting had a headache. The little girl admitted her mistakes time and time again faster than she made them. But after admitting her mistakes, she still made them again. He didn't know how to teach her. .

"Zhen Ting, don't talk to a child like this, she is still young." Shen Ning wiped Lan Lan's tears with a tissue and scolded Li Zhen Ting.

 How can a grown man compete with such a young daughter?

"Ning Ning, you are too kind and don't understand her nature. She is really hopeless." Li Zhenting sighed.

"Auntie, I promise not to talk nonsense in the future. When I grow up, I will respect you and my father. Please don't be angry with me. Please forgive me." Lan Lan shook her shoulders while crying.

"Okay, auntie and daddy have forgiven you. Lan Lan, don't cry. As long as you correct your shortcomings in the future, you will be a good boy." Shen Ning agreed quickly, feeling a little guilty. If it weren't for her, Li Zhenting wouldn't have said anything to her. With such a big anger, she used a tissue to wipe away the tears and snot on her face. Looking at Li Zhenting's cloudy face, she took her little hand and walked towards the bathroom, wanting to wash her face.

As soon as Lan Lan was led out of the living room by Shen Ning, she stopped crying.

Shen Ning took her into the bathroom, took a disposable wet tissue, wiped her face carefully, and was about to talk to her and cultivate feelings.


Lan Lan grabbed her wrist with both hands, put it into her mouth, then opened her mouth and bit her arm firmly.

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