"Ah." Shen Ning immediately cried out in pain, "Lan Lan, please let go."

 But the little girl just bit her arm and wouldn't let go.

"Let me go." In pain, Shen Ning had no choice but to push her head.

 Until this moment, she didn't understand why Li Zhenting was so harsh on her. It seemed that he knew his daughter's character best.

This little girl is so hateful and vicious!


When Shen Ning pushed her head, her whole body was wrapped around her like a vine, scratching and scratching her.

 The little girl has a chubby body and strong arms.

Shen Ning was caught in a very embarrassed state. It took a lot of effort to pull out her legs and push her away.

 But she just stood firm.

Lan Lan just lay down on the floor like that, and started crying loudly. While crying, she shouted loudly: "Daddy, auntie hit me, it hurts me so much."

She cried out like a pig and rolled on the floor.

 Shen Ning was dumbfounded.

There is such a little girl in this world, shameless, vicious, cunning, pretentious, acting, everything.

 Her face turned white again.

"Ning Ning." Li Zhenting hurried over at this time. Seeing this, he immediately walked towards Shen Ning and asked with concern, "What's wrong with you?"

"I..." Shen Ning was about to cry but had no tears, and her eyes were covered with rain and mist.

 What was she going to say? She was plotted against by a five or six year old girl. Who would believe this?

"That's enough, Lan Lan, stand up." Li Zhenting glanced at the mess on her body and seemed to have guessed something, and immediately shouted to Lan Lan who was rolling on the ground. Lan Lan curled her lips and cried: "Daddy, my aunt hits me, why do you always hit her?"

 Should I hit her? Shen Ning's fingers touched the circle of teeth marks on her arm caused by Lan Lan's bite, and she suddenly felt the pain in her heart. She suddenly felt like a fool who would pity such a little girl. She was really feeding the dog.

 But she still hid her arm that was bitten by Lan Lan.

After all, Li Zhenting's face looks very scary now. If she tells the truth, Lan Lan will probably suffer. And she has made the family uneasy even before she got married to him. She doesn't want to be gossiped about.

"Will your aunt beat you? It's obviously you who caused the trouble. Get up and go upstairs to your bedroom to reflect." Of course Li Zhenting would not believe Lan Lan's words and scolded her.

Shen Ning pursed her lower lip tightly and shook her head. She no longer wanted to care about Lanlan and walked towards the living room.

Li Zhenting bent down and pulled Lan Lan up and handed her over to the nanny.

The nanny took Lan Lan upstairs.

As soon as Shen Ning sat down uneasily on the sofa, she saw the nanny coming over holding Lan Lan's hand, and passed her towards the elevator.

When she looked towards Lan Lan, she found that the little girl's eyes were filled with a calculating smile, and she even stuck out her tongue at her. There was nothing sad about it!

 Shen Ning was not feeling cold for a while!

It was only then that she finally understood what Li Zhenting meant. He was proposing to her now, and marrying her before her memory had recovered was indeed adding insult to injury and being irresponsible to her.

It's a pity that she couldn't understand it at the time. Instead, she believed the middle-aged and elderly woman and misunderstood Li Zhenting's meaning, blaming him for not marrying her because of other women. Now it seems that some things are not what she thought!

 But now, the deal is done and the marriage certificate has been obtained. Is there any use for her to go back on her word?

 She lowered her head.

 Fortunately, Li Zhenting is completely on her side and has great trust in her. She should believe that her mountain can give her a happy life.

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