As night falls, everything is silent.

Li Zhenting and Shen Ning returned to the Li family's old house after a busy day. The children were still waiting for them. When they saw their return, they all gathered around and were so happy to be intimate.

Li Zhenting raised his hand and picked up Xiaoxiao, kissed her forehead first, then lifted her above his head and spun her around.

 Xiao Xiao was so happy that she laughed loudly.

 Because Li Zhenting felt guilty about Xiaoxiao in the past, now he especially wants to make up for Xiaoxiao and gives her the most love. Instead, Dingding and Cocoa are left aside by him.

"Daddy, you must be nice to Mommy in the future." After playing for a while, he put Xiaoxiao down and held her in his arms. Xiaoxiao was very happy when she learned that mommy and daddy were going to decorate the wedding room today. She put her arms around Li Zhenting's neck and nibbled his ears.

Li Zhenting felt his heart hurt when he heard this.

Xiao Xiao has said this to him no less than three times, but every time he promised, he never followed through. It seemed that Xiao Xiao didn't quite believe him.

"Don't worry, Daddy will definitely do it. Just watch Daddy's performance in the future. If Daddy can't do it, just ignore him, okay." His answer was firm.

“Well, I believe in Daddy.” Xiaoxiao is beautiful, kind and considerate, so of course she chooses to believe in Daddy.

"Xiaoxiao, Daddy established a charity foundation yesterday and it was named after you. In the future, Daddy will make this foundation bigger and stronger, and he will hand it over to you to manage when you grow up." Li Zhenting He kissed her little face and spoke softly.

"Thank you, Daddy." Xiaoxiao didn't know what the foundation was, but Daddy said it was made for her, so it must be good, so she hurriedly thanked her.

Shen Ning laughed beside her: "Shanshan, you pamper Xiaoxiao too much, just don't pamper her into a pampered princess."

In the past few days, she discovered that Li Zhenting always gave Xiaoxiao the first thing he wanted to eat and play. Even when going up and down the stairs, he would pick up Xiaoxiao and almost pamper her like a little princess.

Li Zhenting has now transformed into a slave girl!

"No, Xiaoxiao has a peaceful and kind personality, and is very sensible. She can withstand my favor. Besides, I owe her the most, and I should make it up to her. Compared with Lanlan, Xiaoxiao is much better. , I like her." He immediately defended her lovingly.

 The little face is flushed with happiness.

 It’s great to have daddy’s love on you! After Li Zhenting played with them for a while, Shen Ning let the children go to bed.

 Now that Coco, Ding Ding and Xiao Xiao know that Daddy and Mummy are getting married soon, they no longer insist on sleeping with Mummy, and they all go back to their bedrooms to sleep.

 The two special guards also went to rest.

Li Zhenting and Shen Ning sat on the bed next to each other after taking a bath.

"Ning Ning, we will officially be a family the day after tomorrow. In this life, we must love each other and live happily together forever, just like grandparents are as loving as grandparents." Li Zhenting held Shen Ning's soft little hand and said passionately said.

"Yeah." Shen Ning was completely immersed in the sweetness of love and said sweetly.

 The autumn nights are a bit cool.

Shen Ning saw that he had covered himself with the quilt, and his back was almost naked, and she was worried that he would catch cold.

"I can't afford so many quilts of this size. Please move over." She stretched out her hand and moved the quilt towards him.

Under the warm light, a large section of Shen Ning's white and tender arms were exposed, and her skin glowed pale pink.

 When she stretched her arms here, her white neck was exposed under his eyes.

Li Zhenting's Adam's apple rolled down, and a wave of heat surged through his body.

"No need, I'm not cold, I'm hot." He held her little hand and smiled evilly.

Shen Ning was stunned. It was so late and the floor heating was not turned on. How could it be hot?


 The man's hot breath came from the top of her head, and she felt as if she was snuggling up to a fire pot. The temperature rose rapidly. She understood something and her face turned red.

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