At this moment, Li Zhenting stroked her arm, his heart agitated, and he lowered his head to kiss her lips.

Shen Ning had already had a premonition of something and closed her eyes happily.

"Ning Ning, what's wrong with you here?" Ge Di, Li Zhenting raised his head, raised the hand holding her forearm, turned it over slightly, and saw a circle of small tooth marks on the inside of her forearm, which were red. , it was particularly conspicuous against the white and tender skin. He touched it with his fingers lovingly and asked in surprise.

Shen Ning opened her eyes, froze for a moment, and then quickly retracted her arm.


"No, show me quickly." The color in Li Zhenting's eyes faded a lot. He reached out and grabbed her arm, put it under his eyes and looked at it carefully. The more he looked at her, the darker his face became.

"Zhen Ting, I'm fine." Looking at his increasingly gloomy face, Shen Ning hurriedly covered it up.

 But how could Li Zhenting believe her?

"What's going on here? Who bullied you?" He gently touched the teeth marks on her skin and asked through gritted teeth.

"Shanshan, no one bullied me. When I was playing with the children, Xiaoxiao accidentally bit me." Shen Ning didn't want to make the matter a big deal, so she could only say it lightly, thinking that Xiaoxiao was about the same age as Lanlan, and the teeth marks were also there. They shouldn't be the same, so it's easier to hide them.

 But Li Zhenting's narrow eyes shone with a cold light.

“Xiao Xiao is even afraid of stepping on an ant to death. How could she bite her favorite mommy? Moreover, the tooth marks are so deep that it seems that she did not bite accidentally but maliciously.”


Shen Ning couldn't answer for a while.

"It must have been Lan Lan's bite. When did she bite you?" Li Zhenting asked sternly.

  No one understands Lan Lan's virtue better than him. In the Li family, no one except her would dare to bully his woman so blatantly. Shen Ning fell silent. Obviously, this could not be hidden from Li Zhenting.

 He knows everything!

“Ning Ning, tell me.” Li Zhenting pressed and asked, “Why did she bite you?”

"Shanshan." Just when Li Zhenting was about to ask her again, Shen Ning suddenly turned sideways, moved closer to him, raised her head, and kissed his lips fiercely, rolling them gently.

The anger in Li Zhenting's heart instantly turned into ashes, and a wave of heat hit the top of his head.

Guilt turned into incomparable love. He held the back of her head with his big palm, kissed her back, and pressed her under him. His other hand eagerly tore open her nightgown, and two hot The bodies are superimposed...

"Ning Ning, you are so kind and considerate, what should I do?" Li Zhenting hugged her tightly and buried his head in her neck. The guilt and apology in his heart were like a tide. The sea of ​​his heart.

Lanlan is still young, even if he knew it was her, he couldn't do anything to her!

  If you scold her or hit her, she will quickly admit her mistakes, but then turn around and forget them completely. She will still make the mistakes she should have made, and recently, she seems to be getting worse and worse.

  I used to pamper her too much! It's all his fault!

"It's okay." Shen Ning sniffed, her voice as low as a mosquito, "Don't blame her, she is quite pitiful, she doesn't have mommy by her side."

She thought, the little girl is still young, maybe she can be reformed and educated in the future. There is no one who is born a bad person!

 She tried her best to explain things to her and begged Li Zhenting not to hold the blame for this matter any longer!

Li Zhenting sighed deeply and stroked Shen Ning's skin. If he couldn't protect the woman he loved, what kind of man was he?

 It seems that we still need to strengthen Lanlan’s education!

He lowered his head and went to kiss Shen Ning's lips again, but instead kissed a line of salty tears. His heart palpitated, and the guilt he filled turned into endless love again, and his hot lips fell on her face. , gradually, covered her whole body, stimulating all the passion in her body again, and the two rolled into a ball again, lingering until dawn.

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