Five hours later.

Li Jiaojiao opened her eyes.

She was still sleeping on Ji Qingshan's big bed. She hurriedly turned over and got up. Suddenly she felt soreness in her thighs, as if there was a heavy pressure on her. When she lowered her head, she saw a man sleeping on her thighs, sleeping deeply. .

 She looked down.

Isn’t this none other than Ji Qingshan!

 What a bastard, he still dares to sleep on her lap, seeking death!

She was furious, but the scene before she fell asleep suddenly flashed through her mind. After a pause, she burst into laughter.

 It seems that Ji Qingshan got infected by eating those pastries!

 Fortunately, she was wise and finally tampered with those pastries. Otherwise, I don’t know what kind of miserable situation it would be now!

  She stopped laughing and took out a razor from her pocket.

Ji Mingshou, Ji Mingshou, you have been so wise all your life, but you never expected that I would be so smart.

According to the doctor at the clinic, she was given two sleeping pills at that time. One was the newly developed one, which was colorless and odorless and more effective. Apparently, in a panic, she put the powerful one on the pastry, which was just right. It was eaten by Ji Qingshan.

"Hey, you look good with your hair full of black hair, but what would a man do with this hair? It would be better for you to become a monk. I will make it happen for you." She touched Ji Qingshan's hair and smiled. He put the razor against the man's scalp and started shaving without hesitation.

Not to mention, Ji Qingshan's lying posture was just perfect for her to cut his hair.

 After a while she shaved off a large area of ​​his head.


After all, this is just a razor. It is not as sharp as the barber's barber. After a few shaves, his hair got stuck from time to time. Li Jiaojiao was so clumsy that his scalp turned red.

Ji Qingshan was woken up by waves of pain in his head.

 He struggled to open his eyes.

 I saw scattered hair all over my face, and my scalp felt tingling as if something was clamped on my head. I couldn’t figure out what was going on for a while.

At this time, Li Jiaojiao was shaving the thickest part of her hair, and the thick black hair completely jammed the razor.

Originally, it was just a last-minute idea. She didn't have time to buy an electric hairdresser, so she brought a razor from Li Zhenting's room.

She grabbed her hair and pulled hard.

 “Ouch.” Ji Qingshan cried out in pain.

Li Jiaojiao didn't expect him to wake up. She was so frightened that her hands shook, and the razor holding his hair unconsciously scraped into the flesh of his scalp. Blood came out!

 It’s over!

Li Jiaojiao was immediately dumbfounded!

This is not the murder of Ji Mingshou!

 She just wanted to shave off half of his hair to humiliate him, but she didn't want him to die.

 Suddenly, my hands began to tremble.

At this time, Ji Qingshan raised his hand to touch the top of his head, but when he raised his hand, his hands and feet were so weak that he didn't even have the strength to lift it up.

 He suddenly remembered that he fell asleep after eating the cakes sent by Li Jiaojiao.

 This **** woman!

 There was fire in his eyes.

 At this time, his head was pushed by a force and his whole body rolled to the side.

Seeing that he was in trouble, Li Jiaojiao kicked Ji Qingshan away and climbed out of the bed. She didn't dare to see whether Ji Qingshan would die or not, so she walked out in a hurry.

“Li Jiaojiao, you bitch, I want to skin you and drink your blood.”

Ji Qingshan had already woken up and soon saw the woman walking out in a cat-like manner. He already understood what was going on and was gnashing his teeth with hatred.

Li Jiaojiao suddenly felt a chill on her back. She rushed to the door, opened it and rushed out.

Not long after he rushed, he bumped into someone.

 “Ah.” she exclaimed.

"Jiaojiao, what's wrong with you?" Shen Ning couldn't help but asked when she was hit hard by Li Jiaojiao who rushed over as soon as she came out of the room.

 I didn’t see her all morning, and I thought she had gone home. I originally wanted to ask her for help, but I didn’t want her to be at home.

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